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San Antonio

Brian Crowley

ACE 26

9th English, Biology; MS English (2 preps), St. Gerard

Undergrad Institution: University of Notre Dame

Claire Doyle

ACE 26

4th Grade, St. Thomas More

Undergrad Institution: University of Notre Dame

Matt Piwko

ACE 26

5th-6th Math, 6th-8th Social Studies, St. John Berchmans

Undergrad Institution: University of Notre Dame

Revell Cozzi

ACE 27

MS Science, St. Mary Magdalen

Undergrad Institution: Notre Dame

Terra Nelson

ACE 27

3rd Grade, St. John Berchmans

Undergrad Institution: Saint Mary's College

Tyus Welter

ACE 27

MS Language Arts, St. James the Apostle

Undergrad Institution: University of Missouri

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