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Update from Rachel Moreno

RachelHeadshotDear Friends,

Feliz Navidad! As I look out my bedroom window here in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I see a winter wonderland. God and His Mother Nature are truly incredible!

Life is good here in the Midwest. I have gotten to know my two wonderful granddaughters, Mariela and Mila, after living with them and my son and daughter-in-law for the last eight months. My cancer is being treated at the University of Michigan Cancer Center where the doctors don’t hold it against me that I work for Notre Dame! Gratefully, it has not spread and my tumor appears to be stable, Praise God! The doctors and nurses are incredible, very personable and just lovely and positive Disciples of Christ.

I am still working and doing my site visits in between chemotherapy; God is truly good all the time! Your prayers and well wishes have helped me continue to serve God by assisting our Catholic schoolteachers across the country. I appreciate the work you and they do to help our children become as successful as their native English-speaking peers. Friends, your work does matter and you matter.

May you each enjoy the true spirit of Christmas and celebrate Jesus’ birth.

Rachel Moreno