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It All Begins by Being Open

Tuesday, May 07, 2019 by Diane Freeby

It All Begins by Being Open

The Program for Inclusive Education is grateful to share a special message from Diane Freeby, a colleague of the Alliance for Catholic Education at the University of Notre Dame. This piece highlights our Blessed Mother during the month of May. It also explores the good works of Doreen Engel-a long time educator and champion of inclusion, and an adjunct faculty member at the Andrew M. Greeley Center, Loyola University Chicago. It is PIE’s privilege to collaborate with faithful educators across the country who support and advocate for inclusion in Catholic schools. There is much to be done with this mission and the partnerships are valued. Thank you both for your gracious efforts!        

~Christie Bonfiglio, Ph.D.; Director of the Program for Inclusive Education

The 3 Things You Need to Add to Your Resume

Friday, May 03, 2019 by Tim Will

3 Resume Tips for Catholic School Educators

Spring is a season of new beginnings and fresh starts. As we move further along in the school year, many educators—recent graduates, teaching veterans, and those relocating to other cities—are beginning to consider their plans for the next academic year.

On behalf of those aspiring applicants, we reached out to three Catholic school leaders—Matthew DeBoer, Tony Harris, and Martine Romero—to get their thoughts on what they look for when reviewing a resume and interviewing a potential new team member. Here are three areas you’ll want to emphasize on your resume when applying for a position at a Catholic school.

March Madness

Monday, April 22, 2019 by Francesca Varga

 Higher-Powered Learning - ACE Blended Learning

The birds chirping and blossoms slowly emerging from the cold ground signal that spring has finally come again. Now that winter’s chill is finally ending and warmer days are upon us, it is a good time to think of ways to put a little “spring” into instructional practices to breathe new life into classrooms. One of the ways our team decided to liven things up and spark student motivation was to bring a little March Madness to our schools.

Supporting Our Teachers

Monday, April 08, 2019 by Francesca Varga

Supporting Our Teachers - ACE Higher-Powered Learning

I can’t tell you how many times “I’ll be there for you…” gets stuck in my head after watching an episode of Friends. But as cheesy as the song may be, its message rings true. People thrive on relationships and support.

In this post, we talked about our teachers and the positive feedback they have given us so far. Because teachers thrive when they feel challenged and supported, we try to balance the two in our work. Read on to learn about the four steps we take to make sure our teachers feel supported.

Some Friendly Basketball Competition

Monday, April 08, 2019 by By: Melissa Pavloff

Friendly Basketball Competition

Everyone loves some friendly competition—especially in the ACE community house in Corpus Christi, Texas, when three community members coached two competing teams during the middle school basketball season.

Making Dreams Possible through Inclusive Education

Monday, April 01, 2019 by Brian and Marcie Schaab, ASA Parents
All Saints Academy-Grand Rapids, MI

All Saints Academy Grand Rapids - Inclusive Schools

The Program for Inclusive Education is privileged to continue last month’s inclusion story. All Saints Academy (ASA) opened its doors to ALL learners and welcomed Maya Schaab. Six years later, Maya’s parents describe their unique experience. Thank you Brian and Marcie Schaab for your faith in ASA and your willingness to share your journey.

~Christie Bonfiglio, Ph.D.; Director of the Program for Inclusive Education

The Biggest Dance

Tuesday, March 26, 2019 by Maddie Felts, ACE 24 - Dallas

March Madness - ACE Community Basketball

As we enter the last week of March, many of us are following our brackets and the NCAA basketball tournament. Back at Notre Dame, groups of students are putting together their lineups for the largest 5-on-5 outdoor basketball tournament in the world, Bookstore Basketball. Here in the Dallas ACE community, however, our first-year teachers are anxiously awaiting preparation for the premier basketball tournament of the year: the ACE Summer Community Basketball tournament.

A Guide to Implement Blended Learning in a Middle School Language Arts Classroom

Monday, March 25, 2019 by Francesca Varga

This post was originally posted on the Notre Dame Center for Literacy Education's blog for Teen Tech Week. 

Welcome to middle school: the awkward in-between stage when students are not bright-eyed little ones anymore, but they are not quite independent learners yet either. Middle schoolers often need a bit of a push to “buy in” to instruction, but when the connection happens, it is like magic. Recently, we talked about blended learning and what it looks like in an elementary classroom. Although some of the same practices can successfully occur in the middle school blended classroom, teaching and learning looks quite a bit different in this distinct context.

So Blessed I Said "Yes"

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 by Casey Gelchion - ACE 24, St. Petersburg

Casey Gelchion Blessed to Say Yes

“Wow. I wish I could do ACE." I distinctly remember being surprised by this thought during my junior year at Notre Dame. Since my freshman year, I was drawn to ACE. I had attended nearly every ACE event without thinking I would ever apply. I was an avid supporter and cheerleader who carried the ACE-decorated water bottle, magnets, and posters, but I was also an accounting student on track for a career in finance. At the time I couldn’t imagine a way to reconcile these two forces.

HotDog Man to The Rescue!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Hot Dog Man Teaser

“Can we have a piece of paper?”

Students often ask this question of teachers, and it can lead in a number of different directions. For Eve Wenger’s third-grade students at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Oklahoma City, the question ended up taking them further than she ever could have imagined.

How to Implement Blended Learning in an Elementary Reading Classroom

Monday, March 11, 2019 by Elizabeth Anthony

How to Implement Blended Learning in an Elementary Reading Classroom

This post was originally posted on the Notre Dame Center for Literacy Education's blog for Teen Tech Week. 

Technology has revolutionized innumerable aspects of our lives. Do you remember when you had to call someone’s home phone to ask them a question, rather than shooting off a text message? Or when a trip overseas involved a long and dangerous journey rather than a quick airplane ride with free movies and snacks? There are very few industries that remain undisrupted by radical technological innovations, but one that has not changed nearly as much as others is education.

When Did You Become an Inclusive School?

Monday, March 04, 2019 by
Michael Debri, M.A., M.Ed.; Executive Director/Elementary Principal
Abby Giroux, M.A.; Middle School Principal
All Saints Academy-Grand Rapids, MI

All Saints Academy Grand Rapids - When did you become an inclusive school?

The Program for Inclusive Education is privileged to collaborate with many amazing educators across the country who support and advocate for inclusion in Catholic schools. It is my privilege to welcome Michael Debri and Abby Giroux from All Saints Academy (ASA) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as guest authors. ASA is committed to opening its door to all learners, and it is a blessing to share their story. Thank you for your tireless efforts for inclusive education!

~Christie Bonfiglio, Ph.D.; Director of the Program for Inclusive Education

Reigniting a Love for Teaching

Monday, February 25, 2019 by Elizabeth Anthony

Elizabeth Anthony - Reigniting a Love of Teaching

A few weeks ago, we wrote about the impact the Higher-Powered Learning Program is having on students. Everything we do, we do on behalf of the students we serve. But for Father Nate, Francesca, and me, the students we serve are the teachers on the schools’ Blended Learning Advancement and Strategy Teams (BLASTs) who work tirelessly to learn and implement new methods of instruction in their classrooms.

Navigating Turbulence

Wednesday, February 13, 2019 by Elizabeth Anthony

Higher-Powered Learning Navigating Turbulence

Turbulence is a fairly common occurrence on plane rides. Although you get the occasional smooth ride, most flights involve at least a few jumps and shakes. I consider these rough patches to be an unavoidable part of almost every one of my travel experiences, and I think this can be a metaphor for many areas of life.

Gathering Doesn’t Have to Be Gourmet

Tuesday, February 05, 2019 by By: Shawn Hall, ACE 24 - Indianapolis

Shawn Hall - ACE 24 Community Indianapolis

Cooking has been a source of joy throughout my life. While cooking feels like a daunting task to many, I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home where I learned my way around the kitchen. At an early age, I picked up the fundamentals of cooking from my dad, and we still enjoy cooking together when I am home. When I learned that community dinners would be an essential part of the ACE experience, I saw this as another stepping stone on my path toward culinary greatness. Teaching middle school math and science would just be my day job (just kidding, Sister Gail).

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