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Articles tagged with: Notre Dame ACE Academies

How to Measure Success Without Academic Achievement

Monday, December 11, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

This piece was originally published by EdSurge on November 22, 2017.

EdSurge How to Measure Success Without Academic Achievement

The question of how to measure success in life is one typically left to philosophy classes or late nights at the bar. It is a complex, perhaps unanswerable question. In the words of the cast of Rent, how do you measure a life?

A Personalized Path to Long-Term Learning Goals

Monday, November 27, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Meaghan Crowley Sullivan Blended Learning

This blog tells the stories of many teachers who have taught in traditional classrooms for years (as many as 36!) before transitioning to the blended-learning model. This transition is often fraught with concerns and challenges that were not part of the classrooms of the past: how can all of my students be working on different things? Can first graders really learn on their own? And what will happen to my role as the teacher?

Breaking the Blended Learning Rules

Monday, October 16, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Breaking the Blended Learning Rules

When we design professional development sessions, trainings, or classes, we always toe the very delicate line between (1) making blended learning seem very simple by presenting a limited view, and (2) totally overwhelming the participants by presenting every possible iteration of the annoyingly broad term, “blended learning.” We try to help teachers adopt a specific approach to blended learning that we believe maximizes student learning and enhances the human dignity of both students and teachers without boxing the teachers into a single model.

Protecting Purpose in the Blended Classroom

Tuesday, September 05, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Protecting Purpose in a Blended Classroom

My colleague/mentor/fellow salad-eater Frankie Jones calls herself a CIP fangirl, and she has brainwashed me to be the same. Allow me to explain.

Year 1 of Blended Learning in the Books at Holy Angels

Tuesday, June 20, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Year 1 of Blended Learning in the Books at Holy Angels

Remember those feelings of nervous excitement I mentioned in our Mid-Year Check-In for Holy Angels? They returned–and stronger than ever–in May.

Using Data to Empower Students

Monday, June 05, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Rachel Edelman Using Data to Empower Students

Almost every day, I explain blended learning and how it can be implemented to different teachers, leaders, and administrators. For some, it is extremely difficult to understand this innovative way of teaching and learning, and it takes a high level of support from me and others to make sure they fully understand the concept and integrate it into their classrooms. For others, blended learning is a total “no-brainer” that immediately makes sense and quickly becomes second nature to them. Rachel Edelman is, without a doubt, part of the latter group.

Ian Corbett: Getting to Know Blended Learning

Monday, April 10, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Ian Corbett ACE Blended Learning Initiatives

“Cheers!” Ian called to me in his thick Irish accent with a huge smile on his face as his classroom of third graders burst into giggles. Most of Ian’s students had never heard of Ireland before he began teaching at Holy Angels this fall, but it’s safe to say that they are fans of the Emerald Isle now simply because it is the home of their beloved Mr. Corbett.

A National View of Blended Learning in Catholic Schools

Monday, March 20, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Blended Learning in Catholic Schools

Though this blog is primarily focused on the work we do, we also want to highlight some of the most exciting blended-learning implementations in other Catholic schools across the country.

First, a disclaimer: it is exciting to be part of an effort that is gaining momentum virtually every day, but this constant growth makes it impossible to stay up-to-speed on all of the implementations of blended learning in Catholic schools across the nation. Having said that, we hope to highlight some of the most significant advances of blended learning in Catholic schools and to paint a picture of what this space looks like today.

Embracing Flexibility and Freedom with Blended Learning

Monday, March 13, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Mary Kate Veselik Holy Angels

This is the first in a series of posts that will highlight some of our remarkable teachers and share their perspectives on blended learning. Mary Kate serves as the second-grade teacher at Holy Angels Catholic School. You can contact Mary Kate at .

Individuality and Responsibility in a Blended Classroom

Monday, February 13, 2017 by Sean Wolohan

Sean Wolohan Blended Learning

This post is the first in a series about teaching in a blended classroom written by Sean Wolohan, the fifth- and sixth-grade math and science teacher and Blended Learning Coordinator at Holy Angels Catholic School in Indianapolis. If you would like to hear more from Sean, please comment below or email him at . You can also find him on Twitter @sean_wolohan.

Why Holy Angels?

Monday, February 06, 2017 by Fr. Nate Wills, CSC

Why Holy Angels? Fr. Nate Wills

Holy Angels Catholic School is the first whole-school blended learning pilot in a Notre Dame ACE Academy. It is an amazing school with wonderful students, loving families, a rich tradition of Catholic education, and committed teachers. But one question we receive over and over again is “Why Holy Angels?” Why now? Why this Notre Dame ACE Academy? And why blended learning?

Blended Learning and Social Justice

Thursday, January 12, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Notre Dame ACE Academies Higher-Powered Learning Blog

Warning: I was a Philosophy major, and old habits die hard. Please indulge my philosophical musings before we jump into more actionable information.

At the heart of Christianity lies the belief that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God. This central tenet of our faith should influence all of our actions, but we all know there are some instances in which this principle is easier to uphold than others. 

What is Higher-Powered Learning? - Part 2

Saturday, December 17, 2016 by Elizabeth Anthony

Higher-Learning Blog Notre Dame ACE Academies

So now you have met the team behind Higher-Powered Learning (HPL), but you may still be wondering, “what is Higher-Powered Learning?” If you’re reading this post, you probably understand the reference to the “higher power.” We used it in our name to communicate our primary commitment to “the art of leading the young to wholeness, in the image of Jesus Christ” (Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C.). 

What is Higher-Powered Learning? - Part 1

Monday, December 12, 2016 by Elizabeth Anthony

What is High-Powered Learning? Part-OneYou may recognize this picture from ACE’s 2016 Annual Appeal Video:

As Fr. Scully says in the video, Nelvin had struggled in Language Arts, and this photo was taken after he recently achieved a perfect score on his spelling test. What the video does not tell you, though, is that Nelvin has progressed through nearly two grade-levels of reading material in a single semester thanks to his amazing ACE teacher, his own hard work, and his school’s new blended-learning program. Want to know more about blended learning? Read on!