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Articles tagged with: Pope Francis

Pope Francis: Let’s ensure the poor have school choice too

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pope Francis School Choice Renee Stoeckle RedefinED

When Pope Francis' latest encyclical Amoris Laetitia was released earlier this month, most of the attention was given to the Holy Father's thoughts on family life, and not much of the conversation centered around educational options, much less the school choice discussion. But yesterday in RedefinED, Remick Leader Renée Stoeckle (12th cohort) wrote a piece giving a great overview of the Catholic Church's historical stance on school choice and how Pope Francis confirms and reiterates those views in his latest encyclical. As the Student Learning Coordinator at Step Up For Students in Florida, Renée knows a thing or two about school choice. In the event you haven't read the 250+ page encyclical yet, this short article's worth a look!

Read the article

Mercy and Compassion: Fr. Joe Corpora Reflects on His Papal Appointment

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 by Fr. Joe Corpora, C.S.C.

Mercy and Compassion: Fr. Joe Corpora Reflects on His Papal Appointment

In early January, we announced the exciting news that our own Fr. Joe Corpora received an invitation from Pope Francis to serve this Jubilee Year of Mercy in a special role as a Missionary of Mercy. The charge of the role, as outlined in Misericordiae Vultus (The Face of Mercy), encourages designated priests to extend Jesus Christ’s call to welcome all into the church, sinners and saints alike, particularly through the priests’ role as confessors.  

Upon returning from his Ash Wednesday missioning, Fr. Joe shared with us his thoughts from the trip to Rome. The following are his words. 

What Did Pope Francis Really Say Last Week? A Lesson Plan

Saturday, October 03, 2015

What Did Pope Francis Really Say Last Week? A Lesson Plan

A solid week has gone by since Pope Francis’s historic visit to Our Lady Queen of Angels School in East Harlem, and the dust has finally settled. The pope is back in Rome, kids are back in school, and public transit in the cities is back to normal.

What did Pope Francis really leave us with? What was the essential question of his lesson to the students (and, by extension, kids everywhere)?

If only we had...a lesson plan!

Well, lucky for you, ACE has received exclusive access to Pope Francis’ actual, totally real, not-at-all-made-up lesson plan from his visit to Our Lady Queen of Angels. When you really think about it, is it any surprise that Pope Francis, a former high school teacher and professor wrote out a lesson plan?

Here it is, reprinted in its entirety for your enjoyment and edification:

Podcast: Fr. Nuzzi Reflects on Pope Francis' Visit to Washington DC

Thursday, September 24, 2015

download 20150924 194014Fr. Nuzzi with Congressman Tim Ryan. Fr. Nuzzi is Mr. Ryan's Confirmation sponsor.Thousands of Catholics and non-Catholics tuned into Pope Francis' historic speech to Congress this afternoon, but precious few were actually there to see it in person. Lucky for us, Fr. Ron Nuzzi, ACE's Senior Director, Renewing Identity Strengthening Education, was there on the floor.

I spoke for a few minutes with Fr. Nuzzi as he waited to catch his flight back to South Bend. In the following podcast interview, he gives his impressions of the pope's speech and speaks a bit on what it was like to witness history:

 Listen to their conversation below:

How to Incorporate the Pope's Encyclical 'Laudato Si' into Your Classroom

Sunday, September 13, 2015


“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience”




A great deal of anticipation always surrounds a new papal encyclical. People wonder: Is Church teaching going to change? Will I, as a Catholic, be called to greater conversion and prayer?  Will the pope use awesome words like “sourpuss?” (The answers are pretty consistently “Never,” “Always,” and “Probably,” respectively).

Back in May, you might remember the excitement surrounding Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Laudato Si: On Care For Our Common Home. But for many Catholic school teachers, that was right around the time they were grading finals, packing up the classroom, and getting ready for summer — not exactly the ideal time to read a 42,000-word encyclical.

Laudato Si, in short, is Pope Francis’ appeal to the faithful to take a closer look at how we are shaping the future of our planet, the effect of humanity on global issues such as climate change and poverty, and the protection and care for what Francis calls “our common home.” I can hardly think of something that functions as more of a “common home” than a school or classroom, so with class back in session and the Holy Father himself visiting our neck of the woods in a few weeks, here are some ideas on how the Catholic educator can incorporate some of the main messages of Laudato Si in their classroom.