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How is the Remick Leadership Program different from other school leadership programs?

Sandria Morten on Friday, 30 October 2020.

Sandria MortenSandria Morten serves on the faculty of the Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program and earned her Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction at Loyola University Chicago.

When I was in my third year teaching in a Catholic school in Chicago, my principal asked me to be her assistant principal. In typical Catholic school fashion, this added an additional title to my fifth-grade teaching job but didn’t come with any extra release time and only with a modest stipend. I was thrilled, and shocked, at the invitation. I remember asking her why she asked me; we had many more experienced teachers on staff. She told me, “I always see you poking your head outside of your classroom, asking how things work and offering ideas. You are going to be a principal one day.”

"Have you found yourself poking your head out of your classroom door? Has someone encouraged you to pursue Catholic school administration because they see a gift in you?"

That summer I joined the Remick Leadership Program. Two years later I was the principal of that same school, and 14 years later I am fortunate enough to be a faculty member for the program. Have you found yourself poking your head out of your classroom door? Has someone encouraged you to pursue Catholic school administration because they see a gift in you? Then I urge you to consider the Remick Leadership Program.

Many colleges and universities offer master’s degrees in educational administration, but few are designed to specifically prepare Catholic school leaders. The Remick Leadership Program offers several distinctive features compared to other programs, all of which contribute to a rigorous, joy-filled, and formative experience:

  • A curriculum designed for the Catholic school leader. In addition to meeting all of the national standards for principal licensure, each course is intentionally designed for the needs of Catholic school leaders. We offer courses like Human Resources and School Law that others include, but ours are taught by faculty who are former or current Catholic school leaders and teachers and include intentional applications to Catholic school contexts. We devote multiple courses to school culture, executive management, and spiritual development–areas crucial to the Catholic school leader that may not be addressed in other programs.
  • Spiritual formation. As Catholic school leaders, faith motivates you in your service and sustains you. The Remick Leadership Program integrates daily prayer into all classes, celebrates liturgies as a program several times per week during the summer session, and gathers for retreats two times per year. The routines of community prayer, as well as the personal growth occurring as a result of spiritual goal setting and pastoral support, will prepare to be a faith leader.
  • So many new friends, all who love to do what you love to do. The community aspect of the program is irreplaceable. You will meet and gain the support of a network of Catholic school leaders from across the country all who share a passion for strengthening Catholic schools. The learning that occurs across the cohort is invaluable.
  • Summer session on campus. While it can be difficult to leave loved ones behind (and certainly a sacrifice made by your support system at home), the opportunity to immerse yourself in learning for four weeks in the shadow of the Golden Dome is a gift. You will use that gift in service to the Catholic church. 

How might Catholic school leadership be calling you? Have you been tapped to lead beyond your classroom? Are you interested in developing the skills to be an administrator in Catholic schools? Explore what the Remick Leadership Program could mean for you and your future.

Learn more at ace.nd.edu/leadership

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