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Why Catholic Schools? Part 2

A High Quality Education

A high quality education

Catholic schools have shown unparalleled success in educating children, promoting a lifelong commitment to faith and virtue, and encouraging civic engagement. While government leaders look frantically for programs and initiatives to improve education in America, Catholic schools maintain their track record of serving children and families admirably well, closing the achievement gap for poor and minority students, and doing so at a fraction of the cost of public schools.

Research shows:

  • In Catholic schools, the student achievement gap is smaller than in public schools (Jeynes, 2007; Marks & Lee, 1989) and overall academic achievement is higher (Coleman, Hoffer, & Kilgore, 1982; Sander, 1996).
  • Latino and African American Students in Catholic schools are more likely to graduate from high school and college(Grogger & Neal, 2000).
  • Over and over again, research indicates that Catholic school students are academically successful and positive contributors to society.

Next -> Why Catholic Schools? Part 3 - The Responsibility of the Entire Catholic Community