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A Frassati Intern's Experience in LA

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 by Kateri Budo - Frassati Fellow, Cohort 2

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“I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan” …

Well not exactly, but that didn't stop me from humming this tune when I first arrived in Los Angeles for my internship with the Specialty Family Foundation this past summer.

I had a lot of thoughts about what the Frassati Internship would entail, but, to be honest, I didn’t know what exactly to expect.  

So-Cal and Chi-Town

This past summer I was one of seven Frassati Interns. Two out of the seven of us were in LA working with the Specialty Family Foundation, while the other five interns resided in Chicago with placements at the Archdiocese of Chicago and Empower Illinois. Each one of us came to the table with a variety of different majors, skills, and interests which all factored into our placements and the projects we were assigned for the summer.

Weekly (Virtual) Conversations

Each Friday we would come together (virtually of course!) to discuss our projects and a particular value of the week we were challenged to search for in our workplaces. Some of these values included community, humility, servant leadership, and gratitude.

These weekly conversations were a way for us to reflect on our weeks and also recognize the breadth of different opportunities there are within these organizations for a business-minded individual. 

Kateri Budo Frassati Internship BlogJam-Packed Days

Over the duration of my internship, I split my time between the Specialty Family Foundation (SFF) and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles because the project I was working on, the STEM Network, was an initiative housed at the Archdiocese but funded by the SFF.

My days varied depending on who I was working with that day. SFF days were filled with site visits to places like Homeboy Industries and Venice Community Housing – learning the ins and outs of philanthropic organizations. Days at the Archdiocese were packed with STEM Network responsibilities – creating marketing material and data collection tools, assisting in teacher interviews, and helping to organize a week-long STEM Teacher boot camp. 

Working with Great People

As I hopped on the plane at LAX at the end of my summer, what I reflected on most were the people I had the privilege to meet during my Frassati experience. Frassati provides an opportunity to not only work on a project you are passionate about, but also to do so with high-quality human beings by your side.

It is hard to put into words the mark that these people put upon my heart. From Leslie at the Archdiocese to Carol and Joe at the SFF to the principals and teachers at our Network schools, each meeting was an opportunity to learn a new story and gain a new perspective.

While everyone’s experience as a Frassati Intern looks a little different, the one thing that is consistent across the board is the excellent people we get to work alongside.

And that, I believe, is the real dream.

Learn more about the Frassati Internship at ace.nd.edu/frassati.