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How to Measure Success Without Academic Achievement

Monday, December 11, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

This piece was originally published by EdSurge on November 22, 2017.

EdSurge How to Measure Success Without Academic Achievement

The question of how to measure success in life is one typically left to philosophy classes or late nights at the bar. It is a complex, perhaps unanswerable question. In the words of the cast of Rent, how do you measure a life?

A Personalized Path to Long-Term Learning Goals

Monday, November 27, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Meaghan Crowley Sullivan Blended Learning

This blog tells the stories of many teachers who have taught in traditional classrooms for years (as many as 36!) before transitioning to the blended-learning model. This transition is often fraught with concerns and challenges that were not part of the classrooms of the past: how can all of my students be working on different things? Can first graders really learn on their own? And what will happen to my role as the teacher?

We Can Do Hard Things with Great Joy

Monday, November 20, 2017

We Can Do Hard Things with Joy

Joy is very infectious; therefore always be full of joy!
- Mother Teresa

There are a lot of scary things going on today in our world. One thing after another can shake us to our core and make us fear for our children growing up in today’s conditions. Simply watching the news can evoke such sad feelings, making us question our contributions to the world and how they’re helping to solve all of these problems that exist. Seeking clarity and joy in a world that seems so full of pain, I began reading The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

“Are Y’all the New ACE Teachers?”

Friday, November 17, 2017 by Patrick Scheuring - ACE 23, Plaquemine

Patrick Scheuring ACE 23 Baton Rouge

One of my first memories of Plaquemine, Louisiana, was the day after I arrived. My community and I decided to go to Mass at the local church, and I remember a feeling of discomfort coming over me as we walked in. Here we were, strangers in an already tight-knit community, and the stares of the parishioners reminded me of that fact. When Mass ended, a middle-aged couple in front of us turned around and asked, “Are y’all the new ACE teachers?” Our cover was blown! In a town where everyone knew everyone, I suppose it was an easy assumption, but what followed felt like the love of Christ shining through this special place.

Alec Torigian: No More Tears

Tuesday, November 14, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Alec Torigian Blended Learning

When I emailed ACE legend Alec Torigian to ask if I could feature him in a blog post, this was his response:

“I am so not a model of successful or smooth blending of learning at this point, but if you want the vantage point of a dude who randomly tried because he knew his kids deserved it and plans to get much better, then I'm in.”

Collecting Hope in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey

Wednesday, November 08, 2017 by Amanda Walsh - ACE 23, New Orleans

Amanda Walsh Collecting Hope Hurricane Harvey

When my second graders at St. Joan of Arc School in New Orleans heard about Hurricane Harvey, the news struck them particularly hard. Many of them have relatives in Houston, and the images of the flooding and destruction were difficult to comprehend. After my principal asked our classrooms to figure out how we could help, we decided that we wanted to do something besides hosting a classroom food drive. We created a community action plan, which included asking not just our friends and family members for donations, but also asking our neighbors.

If It Ain't Broke...Go Blended?

Tuesday, October 31, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Melodie Wyttenbach Nativity

Most of us have heard the tales about Catholic schools with low enrollment and poor academic performance that adopt blended learning as a final effort to remain open and offer a high-quality education to more students. But we don’t often hear about schools that already have high-performing, full classrooms and challenge themselves to innovate. In fact, it is easy to understand why the leader of such a school might think, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Breaking the Blended Learning Rules

Monday, October 16, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Breaking the Blended Learning Rules

When we design professional development sessions, trainings, or classes, we always toe the very delicate line between (1) making blended learning seem very simple by presenting a limited view, and (2) totally overwhelming the participants by presenting every possible iteration of the annoyingly broad term, “blended learning.” We try to help teachers adopt a specific approach to blended learning that we believe maximizes student learning and enhances the human dignity of both students and teachers without boxing the teachers into a single model.

A Good Shot to the Ego

Saturday, October 14, 2017 by Thomas Yarcusko - ACE 23, Chicago

Yarcusko Blog

I must admit that I’ve always struggled with being humble. That’s why there’s nothing quite like a good shot to the ego. 

4 Key Attributes of Leaders of Blended Schools

Monday, October 02, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

4 Key Attributes of Leaders of Blended SchoolsPhoto Credit: Seton Education Partners

The first time I saw blended learning in action was in 2012, when I visited one of the first two Catholic schools to implement a blended-learning model. The school was a diocesan Catholic school that partnered with a group called Seton Education Partners, which at the time consisted of the organization’s founder, Stephanie Saroki de Garcia, and the schools’ blended-learning coordinator, Jeff Kerscher (ACE 15, by the way).

No Longer a New Face in the Crowd

Sunday, October 01, 2017 by By: Adam Farchone - ACE 23, Tampa

ACE Tampa 2017-18

During my second ACE summer, I heard a lot of stories from ACE grads about the second-year teaching experience. Maybe it was because I asked more questions, or maybe it was because these seasoned ACErs saw the curiosity in my eyes and were more than willing to offer a few pieces of advice to an eager almost-second-year teacher.

"I am #2"

Thursday, September 21, 2017 by John Cunningham, ACE 25 Intern

I am #2 - John Cunningham ACE Teaching Fellows

During my sophomore year of high school, I first heard the call to serve. Ms. McGuire, my literature teacher at Bishop Kelley High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma, asked the class to pick a dream job. For some reason, my response was “teacher.”

Cindy Hayden: Sunshine at St. Philip Neri Catholic School

Thursday, September 14, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Cindy Hayden Notre Dame ACE Academies

When I think of Cindy Hayden, a veteran teacher at St. Philip Neri Catholic School with 36 years of experience, I think of sunshine. Cindy exudes positivity, enthusiasm, and love in everything she does, especially when she interacts with her first-grade students. When I entered her classroom for the first time last year, I saw smiling students working hard on meaningful assignments–a sure sign of leadership by an outstanding teacher.

Let Us Begin Building!

Monday, September 11, 2017 by Michael Zelenka

Michael Zelenka Let Us Begin Building

My daughters Elizabeth (age 6) and Catherine (age 4), constantly create. Whether coloring blackline pictures, drawing freehand, cutting things out, glueing, taping, dancing, or singing, they create incessantly.

Protecting Purpose in the Blended Classroom

Tuesday, September 05, 2017 by Elizabeth Anthony

Protecting Purpose in a Blended Classroom

My colleague/mentor/fellow salad-eater Frankie Jones calls herself a CIP fangirl, and she has brainwashed me to be the same. Allow me to explain.

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