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A Letter to My Favorite Student

Monday, October 24, 2016 by Anthony Barrett - ACE 22, Denver

Dear Student,

You have no idea how much I appreciate you and how much I love you. You can’t grasp it, because you don’t see what goes on between 3 p.m. and 8 a.m. 

How ACE Helped Me Discover What ‘Tough’ Really Means

Friday, October 21, 2016 by Amanda Hamilton - ACE 21, Tampa

Amanda Hamilton ACE Teaching Fellows

I’m the type of person who always has a plan—a plan for next weekend, a plan for water evacuation if we accidentally drive off a bridge, or five different escapes routes from any given room. This quirk of mine was often amusing for my housemates in ACE. We laughed a lot, but what can I say? I grew up in the suburbs of DC with an older brother. Being tough and resilient have always been important values where the metro traffic meets the cornfields, and tough was often synonymous with prepared.

Mudslides, Waterfalls, and Snake Proof Boots: Checking In with ChACE 16

Thursday, October 20, 2016 by Rachel Rothans, ChACE 16

Hola desde Santiago,

Our group has just finished our first full week here in beautiful Santiago! Since our last post, we have had the blessing of traveling to many places in Ecuador. 

Remembering the Magic

Monday, October 17, 2016 by Matt Baron - ACE 23, Indianapolis

Matt Baron ACE Teaching Fellows Blog Harry Potter

During the first stress-laden three weeks of school, the ACE Indianapolis community made its way through all eight Harry Potter movies. I loved Harry Potter when I was in elementary school but I hadn’t seen any of the movies or read any of the books in a decade. While the movies were really for background noise as we planned and came to know each other, the glimpses of brightly colored spells and the familiar movements of the soundtrack brought back the dormant feelings of enchantment and adventure buried in the childhood section of my brain. 

A Love Letter to the Butterflies

Monday, October 10, 2016 by Abbey Dankoff - ACE 23, Richmond

LoveLetterToButterflies (1)

So, here we are. My calendar tells me we’re six weeks in, though I think twenty seems closer to capturing the reality of how full this time has been. I’m sitting before a Richmond sunset (#RichLove #RVACE #VirginiaIsForACErs), sipping rooibos tea out of my favorite purple mug as I write these words—a beautiful evening, no doubt. Today was, as always, a whirlwind; as always, a crash course in adulting; as always, a miracle. This morning, like all others before it, began the same way: a skilled execution of the classic “three snooze n’ roll,” fumbling for glasses from table to ground to face, the quickest bedside reading (one page a morning, try it), and, like clockwork, one singular thought has moved into my mind.

The ACE Morning Offering

Friday, October 07, 2016 by Kevin Fitszimmons, ACE 22 - Mobile

The ACE Morning Offering

Every member of ACE Teaching Fellows gets a card just like the one above. There’s one on my bedside table and an extra in my wallet—just to be safe. Wherever I am, I have the ACE Morning Offering with me.

There's No Place Like Home

Thursday, October 06, 2016 by Ian Corbett, ACE 21 Sacramento - Current NDAA Teacher

ACE Teaching Fellows Alumni Blog Ian Corbett

“Níl aoin tinteán mar do thinteán féin”

This is an old Irish proverb meaning “there is no place like home.” On a recent brisk, magnificent fall morning in Indianapolis, I attended an Irish Mass. It was the closing ceremony of the annual “Indy Irish Fest” held at a local park. 

St. André Bessette and the Call to Inclusion

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Saint Andre Bessette and the Call to Inclusion

As educators, we must be committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure that every child succeeds. While this certainly means that we will provide extra time and supports to help our students learn, we are only attending to half of the job entrusted to us as Catholic school educators if we simply focus on meeting the academic needs of the children entrusted to our care. We must also seek to cultivate a sense of awe and wonder in the Creator among the children we serve.

Early Mornings, Late Nights, and Desk Naps: Life at Saint Catherine’s

Monday, October 03, 2016 by April Adalim (ACE 21, Tulsa)

21 tulsa adalim“Why?”

This is the question I heard when I told people that I was staying in Tulsa, Oklahoma. “Why Oklahoma?” Good question. If I’d moved back home to mostly sunny Sacramento, California, I would’ve been taken care of. Here? I think 50 degrees is freezing. Most of my Oklahoma friends (my “Oklahomies”) are either religious sisters or married women. I eat crackers and cheese for lunch four days in a row because I just paid a mortgage, but I can’t be at home because I’m coaching, directing, grading, or planning. So why’d I stay a third year at Saint Catherine School

Doing Little Things with Great Love

Monday, September 26, 2016 by Monica Kowalski, Ph.D.

Monica Kowalski Little Things Great Love Remick Leadership Program

Monica Kowalski, Ph.D., serves as a faculty member in the ACE Teaching Fellows and Mary Ann Remick Leadership programs. She writes about how we must focus on doing small things with love to better equip ourselves to face the larger challenges in our lives.

To My Younger, Less Sleep-Deprived Self

Monday, September 19, 2016 by Grace Carroll, ACE 22, Biloxi

Navigating life after college inevitably teaches you some hard-earned lessons. However, I think that serving as an ACE teacher brings with it a different type of wisdom. Thinking about ACE? Read the fine print one more time. You have no idea about the challenges and joys you are signing up for! 

Leading with Zeal in a Promising New School Year

Monday, September 19, 2016


The Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program prepares transformational school leaders who make God known, loved, and served. As the school year begins, Melodie Wyttenbach, Ph.D., a faculty member in the program, reflects on the need for each of us to bring zeal to our work.

¡Saludos desde Ecuador! (Greetings from Ecuador!)

Monday, September 12, 2016 by Jack Casey, ACE 21, ChACE 16

Jack Casey ACE in Chile ChACE Spanish Immersion Culture

For the past 16 years, the Alliance for Catholic Education has missioned graduates of ACE and other UCCE programs to teach internationally in Santiago, Chile, as part of ACE in Chile (ChACE). Throughout the 18-month program, these master educators grow as teachers and leaders while immersing themselves in an international cultural experience. This includes leadership opportunities, meaningful professional development, and growth in Spanish language fluency. Following a four-month language and school immersion, "ChACErs" spend one academic year teaching English at Saint George's College in Santiago.

Over the next few weeks and months, we will be hearing from members of the most recent ChACE cohort through a series of blog posts. Below is the first installment from Jack Casey, which describes the group's Spanish language classes in Quito, Ecuador. 

Sharing Knowledge in Senegal: A Vocation of Education (Part 3)

Monday, July 25, 2016 by Michael Berino

Michael Berino Fulbright Education Scholar Senegal ACE 19 Biloxi

Michael Berino (ACE 19) has expanded his teaching and learning by spending the past nine months in Senegal. Thanks to a prestigious grant he received from The Fulbright Program, he has worked with the Office of English Teaching at Senegal's Ministry of Education, assisting in professional development for English teachers throughout the country as an English Teaching Assistant (ETA) & Teacher Trainer. This blog post is the third and last in a series of reflections on the tie-ins between his Fulbright experiences and the three pillars of his formation as a member of ACE Teaching Fellows. Here, he discusses the pillar of spiritual growth.

When the Senegalese ask “How you are doing” in Wolof (the most widely spoken language in Senegal, even more than French), the standard response is, “Maangi fi,” which literally translates to, “I’m here.” It bodes well with Senegal, and shows the importance of simply being present.  

Sharing Knowledge in Senegal: A Vocation of Education (Part 2)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 by Michael Berino

Michael Berino Fulbright Senegal ACE 19 Teaching Fellows Biloxi

Michael Berino (ACE 19) has expanded his teaching and learning by spending the past nine months in Senegal. Thanks to a prestigious grant he received from The Fulbright Program, he has worked with the Office of English Teaching at Senegal's Ministry of Education, assisting in professional development for English teachers throughout the country as an English Teaching Assistant (ETA) & Teacher Trainer. This blog post is the second in a series of reflections on the tie-ins between his Fulbright experiences and the three pillars of his formation as an ACE Teaching Fellow. Here, he discusses the pillar of building community.

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