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Is ACE What's Next for Me?

Thursday, October 10, 2019 by Kenna Arana

Is ACE What's Next for Me? Alliance for Catholic Education Notre Dame

For teachers and students, October marks the definitive end of the back-to-school season and the novelty of another school year. By this time, teachers and students are settling into the routines they worked so hard to set up in September. In October, pencils, erasers, and paper supplies–and sometimes patience–are starting to wear down, and teachers are working hard to keep momentum going with renewed energy and joy.

While our ACE teachers are intently focused on serving their students in Catholic schools across the country, college seniors are starting to seek answers to the question, “What’s next after graduation?”

On campus, many Notre Dame students have stopped by the ACE building to meet with a member of the ACE team and chat over a cup of coffee. Off campus, students at universities across the country have learned more about ACE at career fairs, info sessions, and through one-on-one meetings with a member of our team.

For all the soon-to-be-college-graduates exploring ACE Teaching Fellows, keep these few questions in mind as you consider, “Is ACE what’s next for me?”

“Do I have a desire to serve others, especially those who are often overlooked?”

ACE Teaching Fellows is founded on three pillars–teaching, community, and spirituality–and our ACE teachers are inspired, mobilized, and united by their passion for serving those on the margins.

“How do I feel when I envision myself teaching students?”

Do you feel excited? Curious? Nervous? All of these feelings are normal!

Our ACE teachers come from a variety of educational backgrounds and experiences. Some have thought about teaching but have never done it, some have always wanted to teach, and some are thinking about teaching for the first time as they learn more about ACE.

“What talents and passions do I have that I can share with students?”

Do you love science? Are you a dedicated athlete? Do you have a passion for speaking another language?

If you love what you study, then you can share your passion and excitement with students as an ACE teacher. In addition to teaching, many of our ACE teachers also serve as coaches and club moderators. All of the talents and skills you have cultivated over the years will help you better serve students.

“Who can I talk to that can help me learn more about ACE?”

A great way to help you figure out if you desire to serve as an ACE teacher is to talk to an ACE graduate. Many of our team members are former ACE teachers and we would love to share our experiences with you!

If you’re interested, request more information and connect with an ACE team member on our website.

About the Author

Kenna Arana

Kenna Arana