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Program for Inclusive Education: Why You Should Apply

Monday, February 05, 2018 by The PIE Team

Program for Inclusive Education - Why You Should Apply

It’s early February...that time of year when you are in the thick of teaching, thinking about the content you still need to cover and ensuring all students make sufficient progress. Maybe you are asking...what’s next? The Program for Inclusive Education (PIE) offers professional development in meeting the needs of ALL students in your Catholic school classroom!

Professional development is critical in all professions, and we expect best practice when we seek professional service for ourselves. We would hesitate to keep seeing a medical professional that has not taken active steps toward advancing his or her practice, and we would be concerned about a contractor who does not know the latest building safety regulations. We should and do expect professionals to remain current and provide best practice.

Our most vulnerable students deserve the very same. Teachers have an obligation to learn evidenced-based practices, dive into the most recent research, and collaborate with other professionals to address the needs of all children. Moreover, you deserve the opportunity to be a part of national movement for inclusive education and grow professionally and spiritually in community with Catholic educators across the country.

The Program for Inclusive Education is preparing to welcome its second cohort in June 2018. Applications are due March 1st, and we would like to extend an invitation and encourage you to consider PIE as your next step in professional development.

As members of the PIE cohort 1 are well into the second half of their programming and grateful for their participation, please consider their thoughts as encouragement for why YOU should apply. Visit ace.nd.edu/inclusion/apply to start your application. 

“I am so glad I did PIE! It has given me a renewed sense of energy that has poured into my teaching. Ample evidence-based strategies and techniques have been provided that directly impact teaching practices. It has been an amazing and important experience for me!” - Lisa Westfall - St. John the Evangelist; Hapeville, GA
“PIE has provided the opportunity to change and enhance my curriculum and classroom to help all students meet success.” - Katie Dugan - Mater Dei School; Bethesda, MD
“PIE has introduced me to a whole new way of thinking. I am growing daily in terminology, resources, strategies, and knowledge. PIE has offered me a way of learning how to embrace all of God's children, and to help them realize His potential and plan for them. Additionally, I am now a leader in my school for helping our staff embrace inclusive education.” - Lori Yann - Sacred Heart Catholic School; Warner Robbins, GA
“I'm glad I am part of PIE because I am learning, sharing and growing in faith with like minded Catholic school teachers from all corners of the US.” - Nacia Hatch - St. Joseph Parish School; Waipahu, HI
“I'm glad I did PIE because this program has increased my knowledge in several areas, including student assessments, progress monitoring and student behavior. PIE has deepened my understanding of meeting the needs of students and has improved my instruction. Through the spiritual and pastoral support I have received, my growth in the virtues has also improved.” - Debbie Gum - Holy Redeemer; Kissimmee, FL
“I've learned new best practices to help all my students succeed, as well as how to use their various test scores to figure out their needs.” - April Adalim - St. Catherine School; Tulsa, OK

Welcome, serve, and celebrate all of your students in 2018-19! Apply before March 1!

Start Your Application