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An Intersection of Acronyms: My Experiences with ACE, AICSN, and ESS

Thursday, September 26, 2019 by By: Collin Gortner '20 - ACE 27

Collin Gortner - Education, Schooling, and Society/American Indian Catholic Schools Network

Like many students at the University of Notre Dame, acronyms have been a big part of my educational experience. 

A Mississippi-sized Love: Stories from ACErs on the Coast

Monday, September 23, 2019 by Grace Carroll and Emily Voorde, ACE 22, Biloxi

As for many newly-minted ACErs on placement night when they find out where they will be teaching for the next two years, our pictures on the cardboard trifolds next to the label “ACE Biloxi” elicited a flood of surprise and giddiness and questions.  

Are they sure?? 
Am I even saying it correctly?!

We Have A Situation!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 by By: Sheila Doyle - ACE 24, Denver

Sheila Doyle Blog

Procedures, procedures, procedures! As new teachers, we hear this word repeated over and over. 

“Make sure you have procedures ready to go for day 1!” 

“What are your procedures for recess, lunch, Mass, lining up, transitioning to the carpet, transitioning to the desks, rotating between centers, turning assignments in, walking through the hallway, packing up at the end of the day, cleaning up at the end of the week?”

Creating a Welcoming Classroom Culture

Tuesday, September 03, 2019 by Elizabeth Eby - ACE 25, LA South Cental

ACE Blog Post - Creating a Welcoming Classroom Culture

“Ms. Eby, you’ve never had Tajín?” 

     “You just HAVE to try Wingstop!”     

          “Do you have Starbucks in New Hampshire?”

During my first year with ACE at Our Lady of Guadalupe in East Los Angeles, my middle school students were continually shocked, and rather amused, by my ignorance of the places, foods, and traditions they found commonplace in LA.

I grew up in New Hampshire, where I shoveled snow, celebrated maple syrup season, and ice skated on frozen lakes in February. New Hampshire was as unfamiliar to my students as LA was to me.

I was initially unsure about how we were going to relate given our different cultural upbringings, but I ultimately decided to lean into these differences so that my students could teach me about their experiences, and I could share my own.

Becoming Holy Heroes

Thursday, August 15, 2019 by Maggie Ellis - ACE 23, New York

Maggie Ellis - ACE 23 New York - Becoming Holy Heroes

One of the most incredible journeys of my short but wild teaching career began on a day when only half of my class showed up.

The 3 Things You Need to Add to Your Resume

Friday, May 03, 2019 by Tim Will

3 Resume Tips for Catholic School Educators

Spring is a season of new beginnings and fresh starts. As we move further along in the school year, many educators—recent graduates, teaching veterans, and those relocating to other cities—are beginning to consider their plans for the next academic year.

On behalf of those aspiring applicants, we reached out to three Catholic school leaders—Matthew DeBoer, Tony Harris, and Martine Romero—to get their thoughts on what they look for when reviewing a resume and interviewing a potential new team member. Here are three areas you’ll want to emphasize on your resume when applying for a position at a Catholic school.

Some Friendly Basketball Competition

Monday, April 08, 2019 by By: Melissa Pavloff

Friendly Basketball Competition

Everyone loves some friendly competition—especially in the ACE community house in Corpus Christi, Texas, when three community members coached two competing teams during the middle school basketball season.

The Biggest Dance

Tuesday, March 26, 2019 by Maddie Felts, ACE 24 - Dallas

March Madness - ACE Community Basketball

As we enter the last week of March, many of us are following our brackets and the NCAA basketball tournament. Back at Notre Dame, groups of students are putting together their lineups for the largest 5-on-5 outdoor basketball tournament in the world, Bookstore Basketball. Here in the Dallas ACE community, however, our first-year teachers are anxiously awaiting preparation for the premier basketball tournament of the year: the ACE Summer Community Basketball tournament.

So Blessed I Said "Yes"

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 by Casey Gelchion - ACE 24, St. Petersburg

Casey Gelchion Blessed to Say Yes

“Wow. I wish I could do ACE." I distinctly remember being surprised by this thought during my junior year at Notre Dame. Since my freshman year, I was drawn to ACE. I had attended nearly every ACE event without thinking I would ever apply. I was an avid supporter and cheerleader who carried the ACE-decorated water bottle, magnets, and posters, but I was also an accounting student on track for a career in finance. At the time I couldn’t imagine a way to reconcile these two forces.

HotDog Man to The Rescue!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Hot Dog Man Teaser

“Can we have a piece of paper?”

Students often ask this question of teachers, and it can lead in a number of different directions. For Eve Wenger’s third-grade students at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Oklahoma City, the question ended up taking them further than she ever could have imagined.

Gathering Doesn’t Have to Be Gourmet

Tuesday, February 05, 2019 by By: Shawn Hall, ACE 24 - Indianapolis

Shawn Hall - ACE 24 Community Indianapolis

Cooking has been a source of joy throughout my life. While cooking feels like a daunting task to many, I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home where I learned my way around the kitchen. At an early age, I picked up the fundamentals of cooking from my dad, and we still enjoy cooking together when I am home. When I learned that community dinners would be an essential part of the ACE experience, I saw this as another stepping stone on my path toward culinary greatness. Teaching middle school math and science would just be my day job (just kidding, Sister Gail).

The Infamous “What Should I Do with My Life?” Question

Monday, January 28, 2019 by Maggie Blake - ACE 24, Washington, DC

What Should I Do With My Life? Maggie Blake

“What should I do with my life?”

I've faced this question at two particular moments in the last few years. The first time I approached this question was during the semester that I spent studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. One day, on a train ride to a town in the west of Ireland, I got an email that set off little alarm bells in my brain: “Apply for the ACE Internship & Early Admission!” I deleted the email immediately. My sister had been a member of ACE 21 and I had seen just how challenging the ACE experience was for her. Why would I voluntarily choose to go through two years of challenge and stress?

A Small Wonder

Thursday, December 20, 2018 by By: Jackie Winsch, ACE 24 - Philadelphia

Jackie Winsch - A Small Wonder - ACE Teaching Fellows Philadelphia

“A small wonder where minds soar and hearts touch.”

Just before you reach Saint Laurentius School's vibrant blue and yellow school door, these words greet you on a sign outside the school. A local school in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia, Saint Laurentius's 125-year history continues to fuel a changing and evolving geographical area with tradition, community, and faith-filled education.

December Retreat 2018: A Photo Essay

Thursday, December 13, 2018

December Retreat 2018 Photo Essay

Each year, ACE teachers gather in Mable Falls, Texas, for our annual December Retreat. December Retreat serves as a weekend of rest, reunion, prayer, and celebration. This year’s December Retreat theme, “Disciples with Hope to Bring”, draws from the Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross.

The Blessings of Being a "Volleyball Aunt"

Thursday, November 15, 2018 by By: Dana Deradoorian - ACE 24, Tucson

Dana Deradoorian ACE 24 Tucson Volleyball Aunt


The volleyball players on the court shout and roar, the substitute players repeat with equal gusto, and finally the crowd in the stands echo the cheer one last time. Another perfect serve, another ace, another point for the St. Augustine Wolves!

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