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In this new video series, the Catholic School Advantage team explores topics central to Latino enrollment and retention in Catholic schools. Whether you are just beginning to think about this, or if you have taken steps already and need a little help getting your school and parish community on board too, we hope that this video series will serve as a good starting point.

Please check back each month for a new video, or sign up for our newsletter to receive them right in your inbox.

The Demographic Imperative: Encountering the Growing Latino Population

In this first video of the series, founding director of the Catholic School Advantage and long-time pastor of predominantly Latino parishes, Fr. Joe Corpora, C.S.C., discusses the demographic imperative to reach out to and better serve Latino children and families in Catholic schools, while offering a few siimple ideas to help you encounter the growing Latino population where you live.

Rooting Marketing in Personal Connections

In the second video of this series, we turn our focus to marketing. Manny Fernandez, LEI Program Director, outlines three marketing strategies that can be implemented to grow a school’s profile in the Latino community. All three of these strategies are rooted in personal connections, highlighting the central role that relationships play in Latino culture.