Jenna Pettinger
Faculty Support, English as a New Language
Jenna Pettinger grew up in Colorado, but was studying in South Africa when she discovered her call to teach. From those first days of her career, she has been passionate about working with and advocating for culturally and linguistically diverse learners and families.
She has served as a third grade teacher and leadership team member at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy in Denver since 2013, where EL Education’s Expeditionary Learning model has shaped and improved her practice, and where she enjoys the privilege of sharing her Catholic faith with her students as she helps them prepare for Confirmation and First Eucharist.
Jenna earned her B.A. in Sociology and her M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Denver, and her ENL certification through the University of Notre Dame.
In her free time, she can often be found traveling, making music, or exploring Colorado’s beautiful Rocky Mountains.