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Jennifer Dees, M.Ed.

Associate Director of ENL Educational Outreach

Jennifer Dees is the Associate Director of ENL Educational Outreach and a core member of the ENL Professional Development Team.

She earned her undergraduate degree in secondary social studies education from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and her M.Ed. from the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana. Her interests include linguistics and early literacy. She has co-authored English Oral Language Assessment (ACE Press, 2013), Our Legacy and Our Future: A Framework for Serving English Learners in Catholic Schools (NCEA Press, 2017), Supporting English Learners: A Diocesan Handbook for K-12 (NCEA Press, 2018), and Ten Days to Becoming a Better Educator of English Learners (NCEA Press, 2018), as well as numerous articles in diverse publications. 

Dees resides in Mishawaka, Indiana with her husband and five children.


  • 574.631.7657

Interested in ENL?

Learn more about the ENL Program by contacting Jenny Dees, at , or 574-631-7657.

5 Reasons to Join the ENL Hernandez Fellows