Fr. Joe Corpora, C.S.C., Director of University-School Partnerships and of the Catholic School Advantage Campaign, recently wrote a book, The Relentless Mercy of God. Father Joe writes about his experience serving the Church as a Missionary of Mercy.
From the editor and publisher:
“This is a book that can change one’s life. It is a book about God’s mercy—the kind of mercy that reaches out to each of us, no matter where we are on our path of life.
We are all sinners, but the relentless mercy of God reaches out to us and offers us not rejection, but embrace, not abandonment, but welcome—or welcome back.
On these pages, Father Corpora, a commissioned Missionary of Mercy, shares the reality of God’s relentless mercy. His insights awaken us to the love God has for each of us and the mercy that brings His love into our daily lives. Father Corpora is a wonderful guide—take the journey with him.”
The book is available from Amazon.com, the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore, or directly from the author/publisher.
To purchase a signed copy of the book, please send a check for $18.94 (cost of book and shipping and handling) made payable to Corby Books to:
Fr. Joe Corpora, C.S.C.
124 Corby Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556