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Our Impact

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Thanks to the generous support of our many benefactors, partners and friends, ACE has helped to make significant strides to rebuild and enhance the vitality of Haitian Catholic schools since the devastating earthquake of 2010. 

Holy Cross schools constructed

75,000 first- and second-grade students participating in ACE Haiti’s “Read to Learn” Literacy Program (2014-2016) and Read Haiti project (2017-2020). 

$27 million raised or committed to strengthen Haitian Catholic schools

2,315 Catholic schools surveyed and mapped on GPS software

1,200 primary school teachers trained, benefiting more than 35,000 students (2012-2017)

80% of Haitian dioceses benefiting from large-scale projects to support Catholic education from ACE or CRS partners

More than 100 need-based, recurring five-year scholarships raised for Basile Moreau School students

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