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Serving Catholic Schools Internationally

ACE has a growing international presence, partly because ACE has always been about responding to needs of Catholic education no matter where in the world those needs may arise, and partly because the people of ACE and Notre Dame are global in their origins and destinations. ACE has partnerships in Brazil, Chile, Haiti, India, Ireland, and Uganda, often inspired and assisted by the presence of the Congregation of Holy Cross and by the Holy Cross educational mission to make God known, loved, and served. Partnerships differ from country to country. 


ACE in Chile - ChACE

Graduates of ACE and other UCCE programs are invited to apply for an 18-month post-graduate teaching experience in Santiago, Chile.  "ChACErs" spend one academic year teaching English at St. George's College, as well as other Catholic schools, in Santiago, while earning English as a New Language certification.  Prior to their arrival in Chile, these teachers participate in an intensive Spanish language program in Ecuador.  ChACE then provides an excellent opportunity for teachers to experience a new classroom setting, learn how to better address the needs of English language learners in any classroom, and polish their own Spanish skills.

Click here to learn more about ACE's ChACE program


ACE in Haiti

The University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE), alongside international partners including Catholic Relief Services and the Congregation of Holy Cross, is playing a leading role in the renewal of the Haitian educational system.

Notre Dame’s ACE Program, known for its work to sustain and strengthen Catholic K-12 schools in the United States, is supporting the rebuilding, revitalization and improved quality of primary and secondary Catholic schools throughout Haiti.

  • Renewal of Catholic education in Haiti. Under the leadership of Haiti’s Catholic bishops, in consultation with the Ministry of Education, and with support and partnership from Catholic Relief Services, ACE is coordinating a major Catholic Education Renewal Project. The project aims to improve the quality of and access to Catholic schools across the country. ACE and CRS are facilitating a comprehensive assessment of the country’s estimated 2,400 Catholic schools. This diagnostic portrait will inform the development of action plans for raising quality, rebuilding schools, increasing access, strengthening governance, and expanding student services.
  • Teacher formation. ACE is supporting the Congregation of Holy Cross in developing a model teacher certification program that would provide rigorous formation for Haitian secondary school teachers utilizing international best practices and leveraging technology. A pilot program in cooperation with six Holy Cross schools is planned to launch in the coming months.
  • Rebuilding. Notre Dame and ACE have also supported the rebuilding of a major Holy Cross high school in Port-au-Prince, Basil Moreau School. Significant structural repairs have been completed on the primary school building, and construction is set to begin on a new secondary school complex.

Click here to learn more about ACE's initiatives in Haiti.


ACE in Ireland 

Read about ACE Advocates serving in Ireland here.

Click here to learn more about ACE's Ryan Family Fellowship and opportunities for serving in Ireland,