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Common Questions

Does my gift to ACE make me eligible for the Notre Dame alumni football ticket lottery?

For all eligible graduates of Notre Dame: YES. If received by December 31, gifts to ACE can qualify you for the ticket lottery if they meet the minimum contribution amount. For more information about eligibility requirements, visit the Football Ticket Policy.

What is the deadline for my annual gift?

You can make a gift at anytime, but to ensure tax credit and football ticket lottery eligibility, please remember to make your gift online by December 31. Online gifts completed no later than midnight in your time zone on December 31 will qualify. To make your gift online, go to http://supporting.nd.edu/ace.

Note: IRS guidelines require online credit card transactions be completed by 11:59 p.m. December 31 (based on the time zone in which the gift is made) in order for those gifts to count toward tax deductibility.

Why am I redirected to supporting.nd.edu?

The Alliance for Catholic Education is just one of many departments within the University of Notre Dame. Like those units, we use the University's giving platform. You can ensure your gift will be received by ACE by using our designated link: http://supporting.nd.edu/ace. You can also make the request in the comment section of submission form.

Do small gifts really make a difference?

A little goes a long way in Catholic schools. When you make a gift to ACE, you join hundreds of alumni, parents, friends, students, faculty, and staff who support the the Notre Dame ACE Annual Appeal each year. All of those gifts—even those under $50—add up in a big way.

Whom do I contact if I have more questions?

If you have any questions concerning your support of the ACE program and the University of Notre Dame, please contact the Alliance for Catholic Education.

Alliance for Catholic Education 107 Carole Sandner Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-7052 @nd.edu


For more information about giving, visit the Supporting Notre Dame Development website.

Support ACE

Your contribution enables us to recruit and form the next generation of teachers and leaders, to build support for Catholic education, and to ensure that our schools are brimming with exceptional teachers. 

Thank you for joining us as we work to extend the blessing of an excellent Catholic school education to as many children as possible.

Make a Gift