18 Best Stories of 2018
on Friday, 04 January 2019.
As we enter into 2019, we also look back on the past year and our 18 biggest stories and blog posts.
Going to the Margins: Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ, Visits ACE
A man that needs no introduction, Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J., came to Notre Dame this summer and spoke with the ACE Community about what it means to serve.
"Don't go to where you're comfortable. Go to where you're needed."
Elias Moo, the Superintendent of the Archdiocese of Denver Catholic Schools, reflects on his time with ACE and his own personal journey towards becoming the educator he is today. Moo challenges all of us to become vulnerable and go out into the world as a beacon of hope.

The Very First 'Yes'
Audrey Scott goes back to the beginning of ACE and tells the story of Steve Camilleri, the very first ACE "yes".
The Epitome of Perseverance
Katie Heussman (ACE 23) blogs about the hurdles she had to overcome during her time as a first-year teacher in South Central Los Angeles, and how she felt the strength to persevere from one of her students.
Today’s Homework: Submarine Sandwiches, Basketball, and Lightsabers for All
Audrey Scott profiles Liam Driscoll's (ACE 24, Denver) experience with students living in difficult situations, and how he literally goes the extra mile to make sure they are able to receive a quality education.
ACE Summer 2018 in Photos
Relive the 2018 ACE Summer through this photo essay from Summer Communications Intern, Seamus Ronan.
Mary Forr: Teaching Together in America's Catholic Schools
Mary Forr, a member of ACE 18 in Atlanta and the Director of Life Issues for the Archdiocese of Washington, shares her experiences in the classroom and her focus on working with students of all different abilities.
Francisco Castillo-Fierro: Culturally Responsive Tech
Elizabeth Anthony spotlights Francisco Castillo-Fierro and his vision of bringing educational technology to communities that are traditionally underrepresented in techonology fields.
Gabe Moreno: Creating Transformational Change in the Diocese of Dallas
Audrey Scott writes about the difficult choices Gabe Moreno had to make during his early career and how his decision to turn to education has made him substantially happier and fulfilled.
The Founding Mothers? Renowned journalist Cokie Roberts explains.
Read more about the day best-selling author Cokie Roberts visited Maggie Blake's (ACE 24, D.C.) classroom and introduced her students to another side of history that is often forgotten; the women of the American Revolution.

"Window Moments" in Brownsville
When Kelly Griffith (ACE 23, Brownsville) found out she was going to be living and teaching in Brownsville, Texas, for two years, it felt like Steve Harvey crowning the wrong 2015 Miss Universe contestant. They probably read the wrong name. But during her time in South Texas, she started to notice “window moments,” or moments of clarity that revealed the reasons why she was there.
A Great Decision at First—An Even Better One in Retrospect
Connor Bliss (ACE 24, Mission, TX) thinks back on his decision to say “yes” to ACE and realizes that so much in his life since that moment has confirmed he is where he was meant to be.
Michael Debri Honored with Michael Pressley Award for Excellence in Catholic Education
Michael Debri, principal at All Saints Academy in Grand Rapids, MI and graduate of ACE Teaching Fellows and the Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program, shares his transformative experiences with ACE and how they have made him the principal that he is today.
Technology Isn't the Key to Blended Learning Success (At Least Not In Our Classrooms)
Elizabeth Anthony talks about how a school’s success with blended learning is more than a focus on technology, it is also very much about the leadership, the culture, and the instructional practices in place.
Dallas ACE Advocates: Spreading the Good News About Catholic Schools
Maria Murphy writes about the many ways that the ACE communty in Dallas is trying to get involved and reach out to as many different people as possible.
Embracing Change: St. Bernard School Becomes Second Largest Catholic Elementary School in Wisconsin through Latino Outreach Efforts
St. Bernard Catholic School, located in Northeast Wisconsin, has been a staple in the east side neighborhood of Green Bay since 1958. Read more to see how their Latino outreach efforts have made a great impact on the school and the community.
Blended Learning in Catholic Schools Symposium: Exceeding Expectations
Elizabeth Anthony, the Associate Director for the Higher-Powered Learning Program, recaps the Blended Learning in Catholic Schools Symposium in Los Angeles. She shares her experiences from the event, the success that blended learning has had in Catholic Schools, and her hope for the future of education.
8 Resolutions for the 2018 Inclusive Classroom
Dr. Sean J. Smith, faculty with the Program for Inclusive Education, provides eight incredible ways to introduce practices so that your classroom is better suited for all students.