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2019 Midsummer Highlights

on Friday, 05 July 2019.

By: Katie Busch, Summer Communications Intern

We've had an amazing first few weeks of the summer! Check out some of the highlights from our time together on campus!

Sisters from St. Paul's Mission Grade School traveled to Notre Dame for a week of professional development and retreat hosted by the American Indian Catholic Schools Network. Here they are touring Notre Dame Stadium.
Students from Holy Cross Grade School enjoy a read aloud from ACE 26 teacher Alberto Vergara-Zuniga at the South Bend Library. Each summer, ACE Teachers partner with local organizations to perform acts of service in the community.
Superintendents from 17 (arch)dioceses gathered over three days for the Alliance for Catholic Education’s first superintendent retreat. Led by Sr. Kathleen Carr, CSJ, ACE’s senior director of partnerships, the group shared time together reflecting on their unique roles in Catholic schools.
Matt Sheber Howard of Oklahoma City dribbles past Joey Quinones of Tulsa in an ACEstore basketball game.
Members of the 18th cohort of the Remick Leadership Program kick off their summer programming with an opening dinner.
Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J. speaks to the ACE Community about her life's work.
Megh Santella (ACE 25, Oklahoma City) calls on a classmate during her moral development lesson on motivating students
Leaders from the Notre Dame ACE Academies gather in Father Hesburgh’s office to pray during their Summer Summit.
ACE 25 elementary teachers enjoy a laugh while attempting to build a tower out of straws in their Science content class.
The Latino Enrollment Institute welcomed 92 schools from 44 (arch)dioceses this month – its largest group ever – as part of its annual conference to equip schools with strategies to serve Latino families.
ACE Chaplain Father Joe Carey, CSC, talks with ACErs during his weekly International Food Community Building Night.
David Shaw (ACE 26, Tampa) demonstrates his juggling skills during Midsummer retreat.
Remick Leaders join hands and pray the Our Father during Mass in the Keough Hall Chapel.
ACE 26 teachers take a moment to pose for the camera during the walk from their morning practicum to lunch at the South Dining Hall.

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