Christian, mother, wife, businesswoman—these are just some of the adjectives that capture the spirit of Joann Wagner, our Catholic school champion this month. The Bethesda, Maryland-bred woman attended St. Jane deChantal through middle school, going on to the Academy of the Holy Cross for high school. Husband Mike obtained his bachelor’s degree from Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, and his doctor of medicine from Georgetown University.
Since that time Joann and Mike have moved to Norfolk, Virginia, where Mike serves as a
physician in the Navy (and has just returned from 8 months in Afghanistan!), Joann runs a business, and together they raise their three children, all of whom have graduated from or currently attend Catholic schools, K-12.
When asked, “Why Catholic schools?” Joann is clear: “Catholic faith is the key to all we hold dear.” She continues, “My children are attending Catholic schools to hopefully receive the same gift of faith through the Holy Spirit that my husband and I did. That’s the most important gift we can give our children. Catholic schools reinforce all the values we cherish, from seeing Christ in everyone and treating them accordingly to having a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer and the sacraments. It is our mission statement, if you will, for our family.”