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Educational Choice News

"A Rare Shot for School Choice in Illinois" from the Chicago Tribune

on Sunday, 13 August 2017.

For too long, low-income children in Illinois have been prisoners of their ZIP codes. Their educational opportunities are determined by arbitrary lines on a map that pen families inside a school district's boundaries.

Lawmakers who are wrestling over a new school funding formula this week should embrace a compromise that would rescue those children. They can advance a proposal creating scholarships for low- and middle-income kids to attend school outside their district boundaries.

Continue reading "A Rare Shot for School Choice in Illinois" from the Chicago Tribune.

"Private School Choice Advocates Cheer US Supreme Court Ruling" from US News & World Report

on Wednesday, 26 July 2017.

Private school choice advocates cheered a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court Monday, which they framed as a big win for their long-term goal of increasing access to educational options for the most underserved students, including at religious schools.

The justices ruled 6-3 that the state could not refuse a playground grant to a church solely because the church is a religious institution. Advocates of private school choice programs, which allow students to use public dollars to enroll in private schools, including religious schools, considered the ruling a proxy win over voucher opponent claims that public funds shouldn't go to religious schools, and one step closer to challenging the constitutionality of provisions in place in 39 states that prevent them from doing so.

Continue reading "Private School Choice Advocates Cheer US Supreme Court Ruling" from US News & World Report. 

"Two Decades of Choice" from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

on Tuesday, 18 July 2017.

In the mid-1990s, an idea had taken root in the minds of some Pennsylvania political leaders and wasn’t letting go.

Fresh off a failed attempt to create a statewide school vouchers program, Gov. Tom Ridge and fellow supporters of school choice turned to charter schools as a backup plan for education reform. After months of meetings and rigorous lobbying, the state Legislature approved the Pennsylvania Charter School Law in June 1997.

Continue reading "Two Decades of Choice" from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.