Dear ACE Advocates Community,
Greetings from Notre Dame in this New Year of Grace, 2013! All God's blessings on you, and all those whom God has entrusted to your care, in this New Year!
I write to share some great news. As you know, Chuck Lamphier has provided thoughtful and generous leadership of the ACE Advocates over these past three years. During these years, the Advocates has grown and matured in so many ways – in its spiritual mission and identity, in direct service to local Catholic schools by ACE graduates and friends in now-25 Advocates Regions around the country and world, in its efforts to invite and engage entrepreneurial leaders in Catholic education. We are grateful for Chuck's gifts, and the leadership of the entire Advocates team here on campus.

At Notre Dame, the University has recently created the Office for Mission Engagement and Church Affairs, which will make efforts to coordinate and strengthen the many ways in which Notre Dame serves the Catholic Church. Chuck will become the lead adviser to the vice president of this office. We wish to congratulate Chuck and pray for God's blessings on this new endeavor, which he began on January 1. Please join me in thanking Chuck for his many contributions to the ACE Advocates Movement.
As we continue to discern the future direction and growth of the Advocates, I will provide leadership of the Advocates, together with our Advocates team on campus, in the interim.
We enter the turning of this new year, as we enter each new year, with the words of Christ ringing in our ears: "Behold, I make all things new!" May God renew each of us in our discipleship, in our ministries, and in our love for God and one another, as we proclaim the Gospel ever anew!
God bless you,
Fr. Lou