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Coach Lou Holtz Inspires Catholic School Educators in Commencement Talk

Written by William Schmitt on Tuesday, 14 July 2015.


Coach Lou Holtz brought his witty, inspirational advice to ACE’s Commencement Exercises July 11, serving as principal speaker and earning the “master teacher” title Rev. Timothy Scully, C.S.C.,  used in introducing him. His remarks brought a standing ovation from the 83 ACE Teachers receiving Master of Education degrees and the 25 Remick Leadership Program graduates receiving Master of Arts in Educational Leadership Degrees.

Before the weekend, Coach Holtz praised the work of the teacher and leaders. “I think it is marvelous the difference the ACE program has made in the lives of so many young people,” he said. "The sacrifice these educators have made to help younger people has been invaluable."

Read more of the Notre Dame football coaching legend’s comments in recent coverage by Fox Sports, WSBT-TV, and The South Bend Tribune, among other media. He and his wife Beth received the 2015 Notre Dame Prize for Catholic Education. 

More photos of Coach Holtz's return to Notre Dame below:

  • Coach Lou Holtz speaks to Remick Leaders.
  • Fr. Scully, Fr. Sean, and Fr. Lou with Lou and Beth Holtz
  • Fr. Joe Carey shares a memory with Lou.
  • Lou and Beth Holtz accept the Notre Dame Prize for Catholic Education

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