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In the Spotlight: Teacher Theresa Yerkes

on Friday, 30 March 2012.

"I'm a member of Tex-ACE" writes Theresa Yerkes (above, bottom far right), who lives with seven other ACE teachers in Brownsville--"as far south as you can get in the continental United States!" The fourth grade teacher tells us this week about what led her to the ACE Teaching Fellows experience.

"I have never felt as strongly called to something as I felt called to ACE. I was drawn to the program because of its commitment to serving children through education and supporting teachers through faith-based community.

"Going into ACE I prayed that I would be challenged and stretched so that I would grow from this experience. I had no idea my prayers would be answered so strongly.

"ACE has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but it is also an incredible source of character development. I am learning more and more about what it means to give selflessly, what it means to work tirelessly for a mission I very much believe in, and what it means to humbly accept my own shortcomings and receive the gifts of others."

To learn more about ACE Teaching Fellows, click here.

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