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"Play Like a Champion Today" Took an Idea and Ran with It--Building Character with Sports

Written by William Schmitt on Friday, 22 March 2013.

"Leprechaun Chase" Race Supports Initiative for Disadvantaged Children

A “running of the green” as part of South Bend’s recent celebration of St. Patrick’s Day brought new financial support--and media attention--to the work of Play Like a Champion Today ®, an initiative of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education.

An inaugural “Leprechaun Chase on the Race” 5K run held on March 16 helped raise money for Play Like a Champion Today’s work with coaches, parents, and school administrators around the country, helping to promote students’ character development through sports.

The participation of more than 150 runners assisted the “Champions for Children” efforts that make youth sports accessible to underprivileged children around the country.

The route of the race followed the St. Joseph River and the East Race as they flow through downtown South Bend.

TV coverage of the race can be found at:




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