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President to Visit a Notre Dame ACE Academy Today

on Friday, 03 March 2017.

Notre Dame ACE Academies College and Heaven

Earlier this week, the children of St. Andrew Catholic School in Orlando learned that President Trump, Secretary DeVos, U.S. Sen. Rubio, and Florida Gov. Scott might visit their school on Friday. St. Andrew is one of the Notre Dame ACE Academies in the Diocese of Orlando.

Bishop Noonan agreed to welcome the President and his guests, and today the children of St. Andrew have a historic opportunity to share their story with the nation.

At the Notre Dame ACE Academies, we believe in welcoming all to see the hard work of our teachers and school leaders to put children on the path to college and heaven. Our team has been on campus in Orlando this week supporting the students, teachers, and school.

We are acutely aware that the current political climate is among the most polarized in American history. These divisions have real implications for relationships here in the St. Andrew community. We've also been having conversations with teachers and leaders about these dynamics and about our role as ministers of the Gospel who are called to put our lantern on a lampstand so that all the world might see the light that shines from St. Andrew.

We believe that every family has the right to choose the best school for their child. Families who choose to send their children to St. Andrew do so because they share our goals of college and heaven. They believe that we are constant learners who can always improve, that God is at the center of all relationships, that teamwork leads us to our goals, and that we serve God by serving others. Because of the parental choice program in Florida, this school will continue to empower families, form faithful citizens, strengthen the Pine Hills community, and provide children with educational opportunities. 

The St. Andrew community is inspired to an invitational charism by their patron, St. Andrew, who was first called by Christ to "come and see" with his brother Peter. The people of St. Andrew see themselves as a "come and see" community, and in this presidential visit, they have an opportunity to invite the world to come and see the extraordinary things that are possible when children are on the path to college and heaven. We are proud to partner with them and will do whatever it takes to help them shine their light for all to see. 

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