Regional Round-up
Last night, February 2, the Boston Advocates hosted a Happy Hour for all Catholic school faculty and administrators. On February 9, the group will host FACTS Night at St. Rose School, helping families complete FACTS forms for financial aid. And on February 11, the community will have its monthly Mass and dinner, beginning at 4:00 pm at St. Cecelia Parish.
Coming up in Chicago this spring is a community-building Happy Hour and the region's annual Fundraiser. Denver Advocates held their annual Happy Hour Fundraiser in January. Regional chair Sarah Grey reports, "[It] was a huge success! We raised $2,624 for Annunciation Catholic School, $700 more than last year!" Special thanks goes to the Denver ND Club for its generous donation.
On Saturday, February 18, the Indianapolis Advocates will hold a service project at Holy Name School. Gary Asher, the region's chair, said that when the principal of Holy Name told a local contractor what the Advocates are planning, the contractor offered to donate paint and labor to the effort. Gary said, "We love it when the Spirit inspires others to join our service to Catholic Schools."
In Richmond, Advocates will attend Mass together tomorrow night, February 4, at St. Joseph Parish, followed by a talent show and silent auction at that school. They will cap off the night with a visit to the Convent, where the Richmond-based ACE teachers live.
As previously advertised, our Austin and Dallas Advocates will enjoy a weekend retreat together later this month at Balcones Springs.
Our active Advocates community in Tucson will hold a soccer tournament next month at St. Ambrose, and a one-day Lenten Retreat at Picture Rock. The group continues its bi-weekly Community Night at Santa Cruz, where they begin with Lectio Divina prayer at 5:30pm, offer free classes until 7:30pm, and then enjoy a shared meal.