Regional Roundup

Boston ACE Advocates (BACE), along with several students, donated a Spring Clean-up day of service to St. Rose of Lima School in Chelsea. Pictured above are BACE members Shannon Kwiatek and Meg DeLaney with a St. Rose student, sanitizing kindergarten toys.
The Chicago chapter of ACE Advocates hosted its third annual Educator Forum at Gordon Tech College Prep. The theme of this year's forum was "Meeting the Diverse Needs in Catholic Schools"; its focus was on best practices for inclusion, differentiation, and leadership at the elementary and high school level.

After hosting a CornHole Tournament to raise funds for Annunciation school (where, at right, Advocates receive instructions before launching the bean bag fun), Denver Advocates wrapped up the semester with gratitude, delivering gifts of bagels and juice to the area's six ACE schools. They will celebrate the year (and the success of raising over $3,300 for Catholic schools) with a community happy hour.

Advocates in Indianapolis spruced up the gardens at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, a perfect springtime activity. This was the fourth of their Prayer/Service/Community-building days this year, which continue to draw not only graduates of ACE but also a host of other Catholic school supporters. Later this month, they'll finish the year with an afternoon retreat. Pictured above are Gary Asher, Peggy O'Conner-Campbell, Joe Feeser, Ann Berends, and Mary McCoy.
ACE Ireland had a Missioning Mass to send forth two teachers to serve in ACE partner schools in the United States. Fr. Michael Drumm shared a meaningful reflection on how grass grows. Read about that here.

In Mobile, four local groups came together for a service project at Most Pure Heart of Mary School. Members of the Notre Dame Club of Mobile, the Eastern Shore Young Adults, and the Mobile ACE Advocates along with several local teachers from Notre Dame's ACE program did yard work and painted a classroom and other areas around the school.

Because area Catholic schools don't have a school soccer league, Tucson Advocates organized a soccer tournament for students last month.
View more pictures of some of these regional activities on Facebook.
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