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Articles tagged with: ACE Teaching Fellows

One Body, Many Parts: Dan Reynolds on Daughters, Deanships, and Doctoral Studies

Kati Macaluso, Ph.D. on Wednesday, 26 October 2016.

Dan Reynolds Daughters, Deanships, and Doctoral Studies ACE Advocates

Dan Reynolds, like most of his colleagues nearing the end of their doctoral programs at Vanderbilt University, has no shortage of things to do. Grant proposal deadlines loom on the horizon, data from his most recent study on high school-level reading comprehension await his analysis, and manuscripts demand his revision. Amid this already full-time juggling act, one that recently earned him the Literacy Research Association’s Student Outstanding Research Award,  Dan and his wife Laura—both graduates of ACE Teaching Fellows’s 13th cohort—are raising three children under the age of 4 and directing their parish’s Youth Group at St. Ann Catholic Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Moving within and among the worlds of educational research, parenting, and ministry, Dan and Laura can say with certainty that their work is never finished. There is always more to be done. 

One Step at a Time: Mike McShane's Journey with Catholic Education

Matt Rhodes on Wednesday, 19 October 2016.

Mike McShane One Step at a Time Catholic Education

Mike McShane, a member of the 14th cohort of ACE Teaching Fellows, never had a “life-plan” per se, nor did he adhere to artificially imposed one-, five- and ten-year goals. Mike’s life seems to instead have followed a series of twists and turns that some would call luck, others Providence. In an age of micromanaging and hyper-planning, Mike takes the opportunities that present themselves at life’s pivotal moments and allows these experiences to form and prepare him for whatever comes next.

Blessed are the Merciful: Maura Shea Re-Assesses Her Own Assessment Policies

Kati Macaluso, Ph.D. on Wednesday, 12 October 2016.

As the Catholic Church nears the conclusion of what Pope Francis declared a Jubilee Year of Mercy, Maura Shea is experiencing what she conceives her own Year of Mercy in her English Language Arts classroom. The vast majority of Maura’s 11th and 12th grade students are students she taught just one or two years ago, as sophomores. This opportunity—to correct past mistakes, to build upon prior success, and to continue to develop already-formed relationships with her students—is one that give flesh to the words Maura heard Pope Francis utter at World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland, this summer--words about “the gentle and unassuming power of mercy.” 

ACE Faculty Member and Teaching Fellow Cited in TIME Article

on Tuesday, 11 October 2016.

Dr. Brian Collier and current ACE Teaching Fellow Brendan Bell were mentioned for their educational work in TIME’s October 10th edition. The article details how the hit Broadway musical Hamilton by Lin Manuel Miranda is influencing everyday life, and it describes how Collier, the Coordinator of Supervision for ACE Teaching Fellows, directed his class this summer to design lesson plans around the musical. Bell is quoted talking about how the hip-hop music in Hamilton helps his students in Sacramento relate to history. The full article, including the section on Collier and Bell on page 3, can be read below.


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