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Articles tagged with: Inclusive Education

Martine Romero and St. Madeleine Sophie School: Creating Ways to Include Students

on Wednesday, 22 February 2017.

Martine and St. Madeleine Sophie welcome anyone who would like to call or visit to learn more about their open philosophy and how they effectively include all students. Please visit the school website at https://smsbellevue.org/ or call 425-747-6770.

Martine Romero St. Madeleine Sophie School

Martine Romero knows that St. Madeleine Sophie Catholic School is a special place. Though the parish has been in Bellevue, Washington for almost fifty years, the school itself is only eleven years old. When the school was founded, Fr. James Picton, the pastor of St. Madeleine Sophie wanted to create a school that was open to economic, ethnic, and academic diversity. Today, the teachers at St. Madeleine Sophie don’t see the school as a special education or inclusive school; instead, they use what they call an open philosophy. They welcome students of every kind−gifted students, students with specific learning needs, students who have profound needs and students with physical needs. Of St. Madeleine Sophie’s 205 students, seventy have a learning support plan, whether for a gifted or specific learning need. The school has fifty-six ELL students, as well as students with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism, and students who are already working at a high school level. Martine and St. Madeleine Sophie work to create a warm and caring community that provides the best education for every single child and family.

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