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Articles tagged with: Remick Leadership Program

Seeking First the Kingdom: Curtis Kleisinger and Mother Teresa Middle School

Matt Rhodes on Wednesday, 05 October 2016.

Mother Teresa Middle School Seeking First the Kingdom

Since its founding, ACE has graduated nearly 2,000 teachers and leaders. These teachers and leaders have continued to support and transform Catholic education, both directly and indirectly, by living out a commitment to community, spirituality, and professionalism. In an era obsessed with measurement, it is both tempting and worthwhile to quantify the successes and contributions of our graduates. This post, one in a series of stories from our graduates, is an attempt to capture that which numbers sometimes fail to tell: the nuances and nitty gritty details of moments—sometimes small, sometimes large—through which the mission of ACE continues in the everyday lives of its graduates.

Rising to Leadership: Reflections from a Principal at a Dual-Campus, Multi-Parish School

Written by Rebecca Devine on Wednesday, 02 March 2016.

fb debri

“I stumbled across a little thing called ACE, and it completely changed my life."

Michael Debri, a graduate of ACE Teaching Fellows and the Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program (RLP), originally intended to teach in a public high school after graduating from college. Before ACE, Debri explained, he had “no idea how important community is, for schools and for the Church.” After two years in a third grade classroom as an ACE Teacher in Memphis, Tennessee, Debri took a job as the assistant principal of All Saints Academy in his hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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