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ACE Advocates Launches "Teachers Helping Teachers" Initiative

Kati Macaluso, Ph.D. Matt Rhodes on Tuesday, 21 November 2017.

Teachers Helping Teachers

In its nearly 25 years of existence, the Alliance for Catholic Education has formed over 2,000 teachers and leaders in service to Catholic schools. In an effort to disperse the knowledge and creativity of ACE Teachers, ACE Advocates is proud to launch "Teachers Helping Teachers", a series where our graduates who have remained in teaching can share resources, strategies, and projects with other teachers in the field. 

Our hope is that this series serves as a celebration of the important work our graduates are doing, as a source of collaboration between and among teachers, and as support of the academic excellence that Catholic schools are called to uphold in the mission of making God known, loved, and served. 

You can view the first installment on Ellen Murphy, ACE 22 - Mobile, titled “Building a Collaborative Culture of Real-World Problem Solvers in Math Classrooms” and stay tuned for future installments at ace.nd.edu/advocates.

If you know of any ACE graduates who would like to participate in Teachers Helping Teachers, please email Kati Macaluso at

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