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ACE 24 April Retreat: "The Best is Yet To Come"

on Thursday, 27 April 2017.

ACE 24 April Retreat

"Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands
and put my finger into the nailmarks
and put my hand into his side, I will not believe."

This past Sunday’s Gospel reading shared the story of Thomas’ doubt in the wake of Jesus’ resurrection. Thomas, although a disciple of Jesus, was hesitant to believe because he had many doubts that it could be true. He had yet to lay eyes on the risen Christ, so in a very human way, he questioned his friends’ message. It’s possible that members of ACE 24 may have entered April Retreat with similar feelings of uncertainty. They have not yet stepped foot in their schools, met their community members, or experienced their new homes. Yet, they have put their faith in what is yet to come in ACE.

John Schoenig, Senior Director of ACE Teaching Fellows, welcomes the members of ACE 24 to their new home.John Schoenig, Senior Director of Teacher Formation and Policy, welcomes the members of ACE 24 to their new home.

Jesus came, although the doors were locked,
and stood in their midst and said, "Peace be with you."

April Retreat provided a space for the 24th cohort of ACE Teaching Fellows to meet one another and share in their commitment to Catholic education. Although doubts may come with the “yes” to ACE, the time together served as a way to give the community a glimpse as to what the ACE experience will bring.

ACE 24 Teaching Fellows get to know one another and build community. ACE 24 Teaching Fellows get to know one another and build community.
Ally Jeter leads the teachers and leaders in the first reflection of the weekend in Dillon Hall Chapel. Ally Jeter leads the teachers and leaders in the first reflection of the weekend in Dillon Hall Chapel.


“So the other disciples said to him, ‘We have seen the Lord.’”

In addition to the members of ACE 24 attending retreat, we also welcomed many school and (Arch)diocesan leaders. These leaders serve as representatives of their (Arch)dioceses, sharing both school and city contexts, as well as stories of the communities. The leaders and the Teaching Fellows were able to share in prayer, meals, and conversation throughout the weekend, often focusing on their motivations to serving in Catholic schools and the beauty that comes with ministry to schoolchildren. 

ACE 24 New Orleans shared in brunch before departing from one another until ACE summer.ACE 24 New Orleans shared in brunch before departing from one another until ACE summer.

Jesus said to him, "Have you come to believe because you have seen me?
Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.

Throughout the weekend, there was a transition from nerves and uncertainty to a greater understanding and perspective on what it means to be a Catholic school teacher. Thomas’ transition from doubt to belief was sparked by seeing Jesus in the flesh. ACE teachers left having a better glimpse of what was to come in the next two years.

ACE Teachers, Leaders, and Team Members share in brunch to close the retreat.ACE Teachers, Leaders, and Team Members share in brunch to close the retreat.

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