In a nutshell, scholars at the IEI's Center for Research on Educational Opportunity (CREO)* are studying schools and student learning. In one study, called the
Catholic Schools Effectiveness Project, they are looking at how students, schools, and communities contribute to learning in Catholic schools. Another bank of research, called the
What Makes Schools Work Project, is seeking the ever-elusive answer to how schools, teaching, and student achievement are related. Researchers are also assessing ACE's teacher training program.
Learn more about CREO's research here. *
This mouthful of a moniker was first coined in a groundbreaking Civil Rights study (often called the Coleman Report) in the 1960s. In it, Dr. James Coleman considered whether students have the same opportunity to succeed in school regardless of race, religion, and national origin. His answer? No. Read about this report and a 40-year follow up study here.