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Two ACE Teachers Awarded 2021-22 Fulbright Scholarships

on Thursday, 20 May 2021.

Fulbright Scholarships ACE Teaching Fellows

Two graduating Teaching Fellows from the Alliance for Catholic Education have been awarded Fulbright grants. Colin de Guzman and Michael Kenney will be English teaching assistants abroad during the 2021-22 academic year.

Colin is a member of ACE 26 in Santa Ana and teaches middle school science at St. Anne School. He will be teaching in South Korea. 

"I am very excited to combine my long standing interest in Korean culture and society with my passion for education in an absolutely unfamiliar setting," Colin said. "I want to become more adept in helping students of different backgrounds to feel confident in learning a new language and to be able to use this newfound confidence to take risks in everything that they do, so that I can be an educator that not only teaches the mind, but also the heart."

Michael is a member of ACE 26 in the Twin Cities) and teaches middle school language arts at St. Jerome School. He will be teaching in the Czech Republic. 

"I look forward to drawing from my ACE experience next year as I'll teach English, foster cultural exchange, and contribute to communities through the Fulbright grant," Michael said. "I am particularly excited to learn from my new colleagues and to immerse myself in the unique beauty, culture, and adventure that the Czech Republic holds!"

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is the U.S. government’s flagship international exchange program, offering grants to undergraduate and graduate students and alumni to research, study or teach abroad.

“I’d like to congratulate all of the Notre Dame students and alumni who were recognized by the Fulbright U.S. Student Program this year,” said Jeffrey Thibert, the Paul and Maureen Stefanick Director of CUSE. “It was an especially competitive year, given that the program saw a record number of applicants for a limited number of openings, since many grants were automatically taken up by deferrals from last year’s competition. The fact that the University’s results this year are still roughly consistent with last year’s, despite the increased competition, is a testament to the strengths of both our CUSE and Graduate School advisers and our applicants. We’d like to thank all of the faculty, administrators and staff who worked with applicants directly and contributed to the excellent global education that Notre Dame provides.”

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