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Two ACE Graduates Recognized as "Rising Stars"

on Monday, 06 March 2017.

Jillian Bugos and Patrick Schmitz, both of ACE 21, were honored by Step Up for Students

Jillian Bugos Patrick Schmitz Rising Starts Step Up for Students

Teachers have the unique opportunity to be the architects of their classrooms. Great teachers create a community of learning that encourages a growth mindset, engages curious minds, and reminds students of their dignity both in and out of the classroom. In this kind of environment, teachers foster relationships that allow each student to take ownership of their learning. Creating this sort of classroom is not an easy task and takes a dedicated, intentional teacher.

Jillian Bugos and Patrick Schmitz, both AmeriCorps members and graduates of ACE 21, were awarded recognition as Rising Stars by Step Up for Students for creating just that–an engaging learning environment for their students. After being chosen from over 600 nominations, Jillian and Patrick received this statewide recognition as teachers at Sacred Heart Cathedral School in Pensacola, Florida. Principal Elizabeth Snow nominated Jillian and Patrick as Rising Stars due to their outstanding classrooms, their creative instructional planning, and their ability to serve as exemplary models for the teachers in their region.

"By providing students with learning environments such as Jillian and Patrick’s classrooms, teachers can create spaces for students to grow and thrive in and out of the classroom."

Jillian’s elementary students often leave school at the end of the day and speak in Spanish, a response to her classroom that showcases her effective instruction. Jillian teaches students from the youngest Pre-Kindergarten children to the oldest 8th graders at Sacred Heart Cathedral and, with her flexible nature, possesses the ability to relate to students of all ages. To create truly understanding relationships with her students, Jillian makes it a point to both challenge them academically and take time to learn about them individually. Upon receiving this award, Jillian was left surprised and humbled, as she often feels that she leaves school each day having learned the most and with the most to learn. This award validates that that she is making strides to become the best teacher possible for her students.

Patrick had a similar reaction to being named a Rising Star: humility and gratitude. In his first year at Sacred Heart, Patrick has transformed his Middle School English classroom into a humanities style seminar. When Mrs. Snow visits his classroom, she sees Patrick leading students in reading, writing, and engaging in debate on both literature and current events. He also teaches 7th grade religion, where he has empowered his students to research and reflect on the gift of clean water, participate in service projects helping flood victims in Louisiana, and take time to reflect on retreats. Around Sacred Heart, Patrick is known for his unique sweater collection that is an outward representation of his creativity in the classroom.

“Having Patrick and Jillian on the faculty has been an uplifting experience for everyone at our school,” Mrs. Snow said. “Their enthusiasm, kindness, joy, and willingness to help has further developed our mission here at Sacred Heart Cathedral.” Mrs. Snow values Patrick and Jillian for their dedication to their students and their ability to challenge students with high expectations. By providing students with learning environments such as Jillian and Patrick’s classrooms, teachers can create spaces for students to grow and thrive in and out of the classroom.

Step Up for Students works to empower parents to pursue and engage in appropriate learning opportunities for their children. Specifically, the Step Up for Students team works to assist families who lack the financial resources to access the best possible educational environment for their children. As a part of this larger mission, Step Up for Students honors teachers who go above and beyond in their commitment to quality education for all children.

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