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Writings on Spirituality


  1. Thomas a Kempis: On the Imitation of Christ
  2. Brother Lawrence: The Practice of the Presence of God
  3. Frederick Buechner: The Faces of Christ; Speak What We Feel; Wishful Thinking; Peculiar Treasures; The Hungering Dark
  4. Dorothy Day: Long Loneliness
  5. Martin de Porres Kennedy: A Philadelphia Catholic in King James’ Court
  6. Documents of the Second Vatican Council
  7. Richard Foster: Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home; Streams of Living Water; Celebration of Discipline; Freedom of Simplicity
  8. Scott Hahn: Rome Sweet Home
  9. Fr. Thomas Keating: Open Mind, Open Heart: The Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel; Intimacy with God
  10. Anne Lamott: Traveling Mercies, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith; Grace Eventually
  11. James Martin, SJ: The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything; My Life with the Saints
  12. Thomas Merton: Seven Story Mountain; New Seeds of Contemplation
  13. Donald Miller: Blue Like Jazz; A Million Miles in a Thousand Years; Searching for God Knows What
  14. Fr. Henri Nouwen: Return of the Prodigal; Road to Peace; Reaching Out
  15. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI: Against an Infinite Horizon; The Holy Longing
  16. Fleming Rutledge:The Bible and The New York Times, Help My Unbelief, and The Undoing of Death
  17. St. John of the Cross: Dark Night of the Soul; Collected Works
  18. St. Terese of Avila: Autobiography; The Way of Perfection
  19. Kathleen Sullivan: I Had Lunch with God: Gospel Inspirations for Tough Times
  20. The Way of the Pilgrim

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