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The Courage to Fight the Fight on a Daily Basis

on Wednesday, 23 May 2018.

by: David Sorkin

David Sorkin Courage

I was watching an episode of the Big Bang Theory the other day. I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched that show or other shows by Chuck Lorre, but one screen always has something random on it at the end of the credits. Sometimes it’s related to current events, sometimes it’s about the episode and its founding in a real-life event, and sometimes it’s just nonsensical. For whatever reason, I actually paid attention to that screen when I was watching the last episode. All that was written was, “I don’t know what my expectations are until they’re not met.” This quote struck a nerve with me as I think about this recent Easter season and courage.

Nicole Stelle Garnett Offers Keynote at Holy Cross College Commencement

on Monday, 21 May 2018.

ACE Senior Policy Advisor was awarded a Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa

Garnett Holy Cross College

Nicole Stelle Garnett is ACE’s senior policy advisor, the John P. Murphy Foundation Professor of Law at Notre Dame’s Law School, and a Fellow in the Institute for Educational Initiatives. On Saturday, Garnett delivered the address for Holy Cross College’s commencement. She urged graduates to follow the example of the core values of ACE’s Notre Dame ACE Academies: Seek, persist, excel, love, and serve.

Coach Lou Holtz Visits Notre Dame ACE Academies in Indianapolis

on Thursday, 10 May 2018.

On Thursday May 10, Coach Lou Holtz visited Indianapolis to greet leaders, teachers, students, and friends of the five Notre Dame ACE Academies within the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

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Today’s Homework: Submarine Sandwiches, Basketball, and Lightsabers for All

Audrey Scott on Wednesday, 25 April 2018.

Liam Driscoll Mystery

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.


Liam’s eyes fix on the clock above the blackboard.

Tick. Tick.

Still no sign of one of his students.

“He showed up late if he showed up at all. Not just a few minutes, like right after the bell, but I mean 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. every day,” Liam Driscoll (ACE 24, Denver) remembers.

Teachers Helping Teachers: Tim Hankins, ACE 22

on Thursday, 19 April 2018.

Tim Hankins Teachers Helping Teachers

In this fifth installment of Teachers Helping Teachers, Tim Hankins (ACE 22, Memphis) discusses how he uses art in his social studies and religion classes at Memphis Catholic Middle & High School to practice different modes of analysis for students. He uses this type of work during bellwork, as an introduction to a topic, and as a performance assessment at the end of a unit.   

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