October/November Regional Round-Up
Boston ACE Advocates gather for their monthly Mass.
In addition to its regularly scheduled Mass, the Boston community will host two of its popular essay writing nights for Catholic high school seniors working on their college applications.
Guarding against the onset of winter, our friends in Chicago will host a beer tasting and fundraiser on Wednesday, the 30th, 5:30-8:30 pm. "ACE Advocates for Lagers and Learning" will be at Saint Ignatius College Prep's Alumni Lounge. Email aceadvocateschicago@gmail.com for more information.
Last month, the ever-active Dallas crew hosted a BBQ for the new area ACE teachers, helped recruit for ACE at the SMU Catholic Center, hosted a gamewatch for the ND Club, and held their monthly prayer gathering.
Florida's inaugural event was a Gamewatch last month. Coming up: a presentation at a school open house, tailgate and football game.

The Mobile ACE Advocates recently held its annual "Lawn Party," a day of fun with--and service to--the Little Sisters of the Poor, a saintly congregation of educators.
New Orleans had its first event last month: a Mass, dinner, and information night for area Catholic school advocates.
Philly Advocates will gather for a Gamewatch on November 19 (ND vs. BC).
The Portland ACE Advocates community is hosting a series of "Spirituality in the Movies" events. The group watches a popular movie, and then discusses the spiritual themes. So far this year, they have watched "Kung Fu Panda" and "The Detective."
In Tucson, the Advocates enjoyed their most successful community night yet, with a record number of participants. They also kicked off their monthly prayer gathering with a potluck.