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Articles tagged with: Alliance for Catholic Education

New York Times Follows Notre Dame Graduates through Religious Discernment in ACE

on Friday, 22 July 2016.

New York Times ACE Vocations Samuel Freedman

New York Times religion commentator Samuel Freedman, who wrote about ACE's faith communities in Tucson in 2012, digs deeper into the unique formation provided by the ACE Teaching Fellows program. He spent a weekend with some of our teachers during the ACE Summer and walked away with an insightful look at the impact ACE has on preparing those who have discerned the call to priesthood and religious life.

Freedman writes: "Since its founding 23 years ago at Notre Dame, ACE has trained 1,753 college graduates to teach for two years in Catholic schools with low-income, largely nonwhite student bodies. Not unlike priests, brothers or sisters, ACE volunteers live in intentional households, being paid a stipend so modest that they are compelled by finances as well as faith to cook, clean, plan and pray communally.

A handful entered the seminary in the first 12 years. Then, in 2005, ACE began to promote vocations by taking interested teachers on a pilgrimage, and it started the annual Vocation Day — a mixture of worship services and question-and-answer sessions. This summer’s version attracted a sizable number of the 185 ACE teachers on campus for required graduate courses in education.

By now, 41 ACE alumni have gone “into formation,” as Catholic lexicon puts it, for the priesthood or a religious order. Of them, nine men have been ordained as priests and one woman has taken her vows. Another 10 alumni are still studying, while the remaining 21 left the process."

Read the full article from The New York Times

ACE Honors Distinguished Service to Catholic Education with Annual Awards

on Thursday, 07 July 2016.

2016 ACE Graduate Awards Gregg Adzima Alokolaro Tullis Rigg

As part of an annual tradition to recognize the outstanding work of its graduates and supporters, the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) will honor five members of the Catholic education community who have set themselves apart with their commitment to their fields of expertise.

The Michael Pressley Award for Excellence in Catholic Education is awarded to ACE graduates who have distinguished themselves in making significant contributions to the ministry of Catholic Education. The Michael Pressley Award for Promising Scholar in the Education Field honors an ACE graduate whose work in academia echoes Dr. Pressley’s commitment to strengthening education through research and scholarship. Both awards will be presented as part of ACE’s Commencement ceremonies on July 9, 2016.

The Scott C. Malpass Founders Prize, which was presented on July 7, 2016, recognizes individuals’ embodiment of ACE’s three pillars—forming professional educators, building community, and growing spiritually—leading to entrepreneurial, high-impact contributions in their communities.

The Michael Pressley Award for Excellence in Catholic Education

  • As a fresh graduate of Xavier University, JJ Gregg was placed as a high school science teacher at Archbishop Carroll High School in Washington, DC, as a member of the 14th ACE Teaching Fellows cohort. Gregg immersed himself in the school from the very start, also getting involved with sports and community service. Nearly a decade later, he is still pouring himself into the school.

    He currently serves as Dean of Students, Chemistry teacher, coordinator of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, and announcer for the football team. Gregg's dedication to Archbishop Carroll, along with his relationships with students and faculty, have had a profound impact on the community. As a National Board Certified teacher in the area of Adolescent and Young adult science, he has set a high standard for teaching at Archbishop Carroll.

  • Megan Adzima’s teaching career began with ACE 13 at Bishop Snyder High School in Jacksonville, Florida, where she taught Spanish and served her students as Campus Minister. Hoping to deepen the relationships she had formed at the school, she decided to stay for a third year post-ACE. As a member of the ChACE program, Adzima taught high school English and served as a Confirmation preparation leader, in addition to creating and co-teaching an English class for members of the school faculty and staff who wanted to learn the language.

    Having grown as an educator and deepened her cultural competence, Adzima returned to the Boston area. Her bilingual abilities served her well as Director of Catholic Schools Collaborative and Hispanic Outreach for the Catholic Schools Foundation, and she consistently emphasized the importance of partnering with parents to leverage the cultural resources of communities. This past year, she assumed her current role as the Director of Allocations and Partnerships at the Catholic Schools Foundation. Adzima has also served as co-chair for the Boston Advocates (BACE) region for the past three years and has helped to connect a number of aspiring Catholic educators to professional opportunities in the area.

The Michael Pressley Award for a Promising Scholar in the Education Field

  • After earning his B.A. in Psychology and Physics at Dartmouth, Jonathan Tullis taught High School Physics and Chemistry as part of the 12th ACE cohort in San Antonio, Texas. His time in the classroom only deepened his fascination with the mechanisms of learning, which led him to pursue a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign after his time in ACE. As a recipient of a National Science Foundation Grant and a recipient of honors for excellence in teaching, Tullis proved himself an embodiment of the true teacher-scholar. Upon completion of his degree, he pursued a postdoctoral research fellowship at Indiana University, where he evaluated how cognitive techniques could be applied to support real-world student learning.

    Tullis is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Arizona, where he heads the CAMEL (Cognition And Memory in Education and Learning) Lab. The lab investigates how learning environments impact cognition. His interests include utilizing the basic principles of learning, cognition, and metacognition to improve student outcomes. His extensive research has earned him multiple publications in the Journal of Experimental Psychology and Memory and Cognition.

The Scott C. Malpass Founders’ Prize

  • Dr. Jim Rigg began his highly accomplished educational career teaching Social Studies at Bishop Byrne Middle/High School in Memphis as a member of ACE 6. Following his time in ACE, he served as principal, first at St. Joseph School (one of the “Jubilee Schools” in the Diocese of Memphis) and then at St. Peter School and Divine Redeemer Catholic School in Colorado Springs. He was the Diocesan Director of Development in Colorado Springs before becoming Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati in 2010. During his five years as superintendent, he initiated the archdiocese’s first-ever strategic plan for Catholic schools. Entitled “Lighting the Way,” the plan energized the financial, academic, and religious vitality of Catholic schools throughout the archdiocese. He also launched a $130 million archdiocesan capital campaign and developed metrics for Catholic identity and academic effectiveness to measure the vibrancy of Cincinnati’s Catholic schools.

    In 2015, he assumed the role of Superintendent of the Archdiocese of Chicago, where he currently oversees 230 Catholic schools serving more than 83,000 students. Rigg's untiring leadership, ambition, and innovation make him a model disciple and champion for Catholic schools as sites and sources of transformation.

  • Originally from Fargo, North Dakota, Anita Alokolaro worked for over 30 years with women, children, and families who were experiencing homelessness. She spent more than eleven years with Solid Ground’s Broadview Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing, where she served as an ESL Case Manager. Her work united direct service with a broader commitment to social justice, and her intense Catholic faith fueled her unmatched integrity, compassion, and dedication. She was the recipient of Solid Ground’s 2015 Service Award, which recognized the passion and selflessness with which she served both clients and co-workers. Her vocation of service extended to her three beloved daughters, Ann, Pauline, and Rose, all three of whom she supported in Catholic education from kindergarten through graduate school.

    Inspired by their mom’s unwavering commitment to Catholic education, all three children taught with the ACE program and continue to serve Catholic schools in Seattle. Ann (ACE 7) is the Co-Director of Admissions at Seattle Preparatory High School, where Pauline (ACE 8) also teaches Math and Science. Rose (ACE 9) teaches fifth grade at her alma mater, St. Matthew School. Alokolaro’s lasting legacy described as “pure kindness” shines brightly through the way that each of her daughters continue to make God known, loved, and served.

Deborah Loewenberg Ball Addresses ACE Teachers and Leaders at 2016 Commencement

on Wednesday, 06 July 2016.

Deborah Loewenberg Ball, one of the nation’s leading teachers, scholars and visionaries in the field of education from elementary school to graduate school levels, served as the keynote speaker at the 2016 Commencement Ceremony of the University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) on Saturday, July 9.

ACE Welcomes 23rd Cohort of Teaching Fellows

on Tuesday, 17 May 2016.

Alliance for Catholic Education Teaching Fellows Welcomes New Cohort

The Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) has announced and welcomed the members of its newest cohort of teachers joining ACE Teaching Fellows—a group of ninety-five recent college graduates who have distinguished themselves with a record of academic achievement, dedication to serving marginalized communities, and zeal for empowering children through Catholic schools.

This year’s ACE class includes graduates from top colleges and universities around the country—including Notre Dame, Harvard, Yale, University of Virginia, The Catholic University of America, Vanderbilt, and Gonzaga—nine first-generation college students, twenty-five students of color, and twenty-three teachers who served as resident assistants during their undergraduate careers. Members of the 23rd cohort of Teaching Fellows hail from thirty-two states and forty-seven universities, including fourteen new partner institutions.

Through their two-year teaching fellowship, each member will earn a fully-funded graduate degree from Notre Dame while serving as a classroom teacher in one of ACE’s partner schools and living in an intentional community with other ACE Teachers. ACE partners with more than 100 Catholic schools serving marginalized populations in more than 30 cities throughout the country. Since the program’s launch in 1993, ACE has formed nearly 1,500 such teachers—approximately 76% remain in K–12 education, while others have gone on to successful careers in business, engineering, medicine, law, and the academy.

“We believe that nothing is more important to the future of our nation, our Church, and our local communities than the development of schools that are worthy of the children entrusted to our care—and nothing is more important to the development of such schools than the formation of talented and committed educational leaders,” John Schoenig, ACE’s senior director of teacher formation and education policy, said. “This new cohort of ACE teachers represents a tremendous sign of hope for Catholic schools and students throughout the country. We are confident that they are willing to do whatever it takes to help place their students firmly on the path to college and heaven.“

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