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Articles tagged with: Alliance for Catholic Education

ACE Partners with the American Indian Catholic Schools Network

Theo Helm on Thursday, 19 January 2017.

American Indian Catholic Schools Network ACE PartnershipPhoto courtesy of Creighton University and the American Indian Catholic Schools Network

The University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) has embarked upon a new partnership with the American Indian Catholic Schools Network (AICSN).

16 Best Stories of 2016

on Tuesday, 27 December 2016.

ACE 16 Best Stories of 2016

As 2016 draws to a close, we look back on the past year and our 16 biggest stories and blog posts. 

ACE Faculty Member and Teaching Fellow Cited in TIME Article

on Tuesday, 11 October 2016.

Dr. Brian Collier and current ACE Teaching Fellow Brendan Bell were mentioned for their educational work in TIME’s October 10th edition. The article details how the hit Broadway musical Hamilton by Lin Manuel Miranda is influencing everyday life, and it describes how Collier, the Coordinator of Supervision for ACE Teaching Fellows, directed his class this summer to design lesson plans around the musical. Bell is quoted talking about how the hip-hop music in Hamilton helps his students in Sacramento relate to history. The full article, including the section on Collier and Bell on page 3, can be read below.


When We Knock and the Door is Opened: Alec Torigian and the Call to Teach

on Tuesday, 06 September 2016.

By: Lauren Kloser

Alec Torigian Alliance for Catholic Education Teaching Fellows Spotlight September 7th 2016

Since its founding, ACE has graduated nearly 2,000 teachers and leaders. These teachers and leaders have continued to support and transform Catholic education, both directly and indirectly, by living out a commitment to community, spirituality, and professionalism. In an era obsessed with measurement, it is both tempting and worthwhile to quantify the successes and contributions of our graduates. This post, the first in a series of stories from our graduates, is an attempt to capture that which numbers sometimes fail to tell: the nuances and nitty gritty details of moments—sometimes small, sometimes large—through which the mission of ACE continues in the everyday lives of its graduates. This first story explores ACE Teaching Fellows alumnus Alec Torigian’s response to the call to return to teaching.  

Aaron Brenner Named Gary and Barbara Pasquinelli Director of Notre Dame ACE Academies

on Monday, 15 August 2016.

The University of Notre Dame has announced that Aaron Brenner, a global leader in creating educational opportunities for children living in poverty, is the new Gary and Barbara Pasquinelli Director of the Notre Dame ACE Academies , a growing national network of 14 preK-8 Catholic schools that the University operates in partnership with local dioceses across the country. 

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