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2013 - Advent's 3rd Invitation: "Are You the One?"

Reflection by Garrett Mandeville
 “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”  I can’t help but feel the hope, and also the fear, in this inquiry.  These questioners, followers of John the Baptist, were living in an actual desert, but in many ways a spiritual one as well: their leader John was in prison, and they were not sure if Jesus was the successor, the Messiah.  They must have been filled with a heavy hope as they asked their question.
I love the way in which they receive their answer.  Jesus’ response: “Go and tell what you see and hear!”  Jesus lets his actions speak to quell their doubts and fulfill their hopes.  All of the world’s brokenness is being made whole through Christ: blindness, deafness, and disability are falling in his wake and in the proclamation of the good news. 
ACE Advent 3.jpgYet the matter does not end here.  For Jesus asks them to share this good news.  Although these followers witnessed all these amazing miracles,  they need to return to prison to share the news with John. 
Witnessing and testifying to God’s healing goodness is not easy, especially in spiritual seasons of drought.  Christ’s words serve as a reminder to us always to look for his healing presence in our own lives and in the lives of those around us, and then to share this good news.  No matter how thick the walls that imprison, Christ has the power to set us free.  
Let us stand as messengers of hope in this Advent season, following Christ’s call to “go and tell what we have seen and heard!"
Lord Jesus, open our eyes to your healing presence.
Help us to shine the light of your good news through the darkness surrounding us. 
In this season of hope, help remind us that through your coming, the lame will walk, the deaf will hear, and the blind will see.  Like John the Baptist, give us the strength to be messengers to prepare for your coming.

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