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2012 - Advent Reflection 1: Christ Our Light

AdventHeaderforWebsiteA reading from Luke 1:78-79

[B]ecause of the tender mercy of our God…the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.

Light isn't something we can actually see.  What we see is what the light illuminates.  Theologian Frederick Buechner says that that's how Jesus is our light.  "He himself is beyond our seeing, but in the darkness where we stand, we see something of the path that stretches out from the door..."

There once was a world renowned ballerina who was preparing for the performance of her life.  But just two days before the performance, she died.  Her audience crowded into the theater anyway at the appointed time.  The orchestra began to play. The lights dimmed, the curtain rose, and into the darkness burst a spotlight, which danced across the empty stage. The crowd lept to its feet with thunderous applause in honor of the great dancer.  No one could see her, but she was there, present in each heart.


And so it is with Jesus Emmanuel, God With Us. May we follow his light this Advent season.


Ann Primus Berends

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