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Seven Last Words of Christ - Reflection 2


“Amen, I say to you. Today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

It’s easy to get caught up in the expectation of perfection. In our work, our classrooms, our families and even our faith, we sometimes convince ourselves that without flawless execution – without doing everything exactly right - we have failed.
Two simple words remind us that this is anything but what God anticipates of us: “Remember me.”
Hanging on a cross next to our Savior, an unnamed criminal reaches out to Jesus through his own last words. Far from perfect and, for all we know, expressing his first and only outward sign of faith, this man experiences the saving grace of Jesus uniquely.
Of every God-fearing man or woman, of every saint, it is this felon who receives one of the most direct assurances that eternal life is certain; “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”
It is the same, then, for us. God doesn't expect perfection. We don’t have to perform perfect deeds, or pray perfect prayers. Rather, when we call out with a mere speck of conviction - of faith - God’s grace is showered upon us in abundance.

Question for further reflection:
When do you get caught up in the expectation of perfection? How are you expressing a sign of faith this Lent?
Thank you, Lord, for hearing us, even when we don't hear you. Thank you for remembering us, even when we forget you. Thank you for your endless abundance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Contributed by Ricky Austin

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