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Stations of the Cross for Teachers - The Resurrection

The Resurrection

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you
Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

empty-tomb jt jarrett small1 Corinthians 15:4: Christ was raised on the third day.

Reflection: All of our crosses, our pain, our sin, are healed, forgiven and transformed. Christ is risen! Although his risen body bears the marks of his suffering, his pain is gone. Mourning turns into dancing, grief turns into joy, despair turns to hope and fear turns to love. The eternal dance of new life begins anew.

Prayer: Jesus, teach us to celebrate your resurrection in all that we do. Thank you for bearing the weight of the world on your body and being, and for teaching us by example that in all things we will overcome – even in death. Help us take that message to heart and proclaim it to our colleagues, our students and our families, not just at Easter, but the whole year through.

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