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Brian Collier, Ph.D.

Senior Adviser, American Indian Catholic Schools Network; Faculty, ACE Teaching Fellows

Brian S Collier is currently Senior Advisor of the American Indian Catholic Schools Network (AICSN) and Faculty for the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) at the University of Notre Dame. Prior to coming to work for ACE Collier was an Assistant Professor of History at Northern Arizona University. Collier's academic work focuses on Native Education, an interest that started when he was a teacher and dorm parent at St. Catherine Indian School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Collier currently has a manuscript on Catholic Native education under review at the University of Nebraska Press. Collier has published on American Indian Running (including a piece about Steve Gachupin and Jemez Pueblo), Native people at Notre Dame, American history, and the Harlem Globetrotters. He is also a founding member and long-time former chair of the Committee on Teaching and Public Education for the Western History Association

Collier holds degrees from Loyola University Chicago (B.A. History with an emphasis in Women's studies, Philosophy, and Theology), Colorado State University (M.A. History with an emphasis in literature of the American West and Environmental History), and Arizona State University (Ph.D. with an emphasis in American Indian History, the American West, Gender History, and Education). Collier regularly teaches undergraduate courses on the History of Education in America, American Indian History, American Indian Education, and a new course entitled: God, Country, and Notre Dame - The Story of America told through one Catholic University. Collier teaches graduate courses with the Alliance for Catholic Education that include: Curriculum and Instruction, Active Teaching Methods, Assessment, Educational Psychology, and a History of Education course that is inclusive of race, class, and gender dynamics in schools.

  A fellow in the Institute for Educational Initiatives, he also teaches the History of Education in America and American Indian History courses. Collier's research interests include American Indian education, race, class, and gender. He has been honored with the Graduate and Professional Student Association Founder’s Award for University Service during the 2004-2005 academic year and received the 2014 “Award of Merit” for outstanding service to the field of Western History and to the Western History Association, Western History Association. 

 Collier received his bachelors degree at Loyola University Chicago, a masters from Colorado State University, and a doctorate from Arizona State University.


2014 “Award of Merit” for outstanding service to the field of Western History and to the Western History Association, Western History Association

Chair, Committee on Teaching and Public Education, Western History Association

“Favorite Professor Award” for outstanding contributions in the classroom. University of Notre Dame.

Presented at University of Notre Dame Volleyball Game. November 1, 2009.

Pew Center for Faculty Teaching and Learning Excellence Travel Award, 2008

Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Department of History, 2006

Nominated by Students for “Last Lecture Series” (Graduate students may not win award), 2005, 2006

Graduate and Professional Student Association Founder’s Award for University Service 2004 - 2005



College Student Voices on Educational Reform: Challenging and Changing Conversations, Burke, Kevin, Brian S Collier, Maria McKenna. New York, NY: Palgrave 2013. (This is a collaborative publication with Notre Dame undergraduates and Notre Dame colleagues Maria McKenna and Kevin Burke).

Collier, Brian, and Lindsey Passenger Wieck. “Teaching the American West.” Journal of the West 49, no. 3 (Summer 2010): 8-9.

"American Catholicism." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2013.

Review of Higher Education in the American West: Regional History and State Contexts. Higher Education & Society. Edited by Lester F. Goodchild, Richard W. Jonsen, Patty Limerick, and David A Longanecker. Western Historical Quarterly (Forthcoming).

Teaching the American West, Special Edition of Journal of the West (49.3 2010) (released Summer, 2011.)

Guest Editor, Teaching the American West, Special Edition of Journal of the West (49.3 2010)) (released Summer, 2011).

"The Battle for Socialism continues on into the 21st century." American History.  ABC-CLIO.  September 10, 2010. <http://americanhistory2.abc-clio.com/>

Icons of Black America, “Harlem Globetrotters,” book chapter, Greenwood Publishing Group, expected 2010.

African American Icons of Sport: Triumph, Courage, and Excellence, “The Harlem Globetrotters,” book chapter Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008.

ABC Clio Essay for High School Students on "Frontier History as False Nationalism." American History. ABC-CLIO.http://www.americanhistory.abc-clio.com (accessed February 24, 2009).

“To Bring Honor to My Village”: Steve Gachupin the community of Jemez, Running and the Pikes Peak Marathon, Journal of the West (46:4 Fall, 2007).


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