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Where We Serve: Phoenix


Phoenix is an easy city to navigate, though a car is a must. The Valley houses a sprawling metropolis where one can rub elbows with the wealthy and refined in Scottsdale, the co-eds in Tempe or the salt of the earth in Goodyear. Phoenix boasts of many fine dining establishments (including In-n-Out) and offers sport-enthusiasts endless entertainment (can you say Spring Training? oh and Go Cardinals!). Recreational activities abound in the city from hiking Camelback Mountain to golfing to floating down the Salt River.

  • Ryan Slaymaker
  • James McDonough
  • Sarah Ortiz
  • Sam Hand
  • Ryan Slaymaker  | ACE 27

    4th Grade Teacher at St. Vincent de Paul

    Secondary Education and History, Spring Hill College

    Originally from Hernando, FL

  • Daniel Guobadia

  • James McDonough  | ACE 26

    3rd Grade Teacher at Our Lady of Perpetual Help

  • Sarah Ortiz  | ACE 26

    7th-8th Language Arts, Religion Teacher at St. John Vianney

  • Sam Hand  | ACE 27

    MS Social Studies Teacher at Our Lady of Perpetual Help

    B.A. in Classics with a secondary field of Folklore & Mythology, Harvard College

    Originally from Brockton, MA

Schools We Serve

ACE teachers serve at the following schools: